From Bluechip 2.5, practices that use Bluechip with Clinical will be able to take advantage of enhanced connectivity between the two applications, details of which follow.
Note that this functionality is not available immediately upon installing or updating to Bluechip 2.5 (or later), but must be activated. Note also that once activated, this functionality and underlying connectivity between Bluechip and Clinical cannot be disabled or reversed.
Changes to Scanning/Importing Documents
Although Bluechip users been able to export patient demographics from Bluechip to Clinical for some time, only from Bluechip 2.5 have they been able to easily transfer patient documents stored in MedicalDirectorBluechip to their associated records in MedicalDirector Clinical. Once documents have been transferred from Bluechip to MedicalDirector Clincal, ImageLite functionality will be disabled and no longer available within Bluechip.
Changes to Saving Letters
As from Bluechip 2.5, upon saving a letter a copy is stored within the patient's record in Clinical, available for viewing via the Letters Tab of Clinical's 'Clinical' Window, as seen below.
Copies of letters are sent to Clinical periodically, but only upon saving them i.e. letters in review are not transferred until they have been flagged as saved by the practitioner.
Original letters will always remain in Bluechip, available via the Correspondence menu in the Patient Explorer, as normal.
If you choose to edit an existing letter in Bluechip, upon saving it a copy will be sent to Clinical. In such a case, MedicalDirector Clinical will then display two instances of the letter; the initial copy and the edited copy. The edited copy will include 'Update' appended to the title.
Formatting Changes During Transfer
The following table indicates what changes occur to formatting when letters are transferred from Bluechip to MedicalDirector Clinical |
Small Caps |
Where text in the Bluechip letter appears in Small Caps, it will appear in Title Case in Clinical. |
Font Substitution |
Some fonts will be substituted. Common fonts will not be substituted, for example: Arial, Times New Roman, Microsoft Sans Serif, Book Antiqua, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Webdings, Wingdings, And Wingdings 2. |
Margins |
All margins are re-set, in Clinical, to: Left = 20mm Right = 20mm Top = 25mm Bottom = 25mm. |
Headers and Footers |
Headers and footers are lost in the transfer. |
Bullets |
Non-standard bullet points are converted to simple bullet points. |
Superscript and Subscript |
Superscript and subscript alignment is transferred to Clinical, but the smaller font size is lost. |
The Letter Writer module in Clinical allows users to modify letters on the day they were created, up until midnight of that day, at which time the letters become read-only. Letters created in Bluechip (that are then automatically copied to Clinical) will also be available for editing, using Clinical's 'editing grace-period'. However, it is strongly advised that you do not edit Bluechip letters via Clinical in this fashion. If a letter requires editing, do so in Bluechip, after which a new copy (appended with 'Update' to the title) will be transferred to Clinical.