Cash and Cheques Running Time: 01:56
The Banking module displays a list of all bank accounts in your Bluechip database, into which receipts are entered. Once a bank account is opened, you are able to finalise Bank Deposit Slips, and settle EFTPOS and Direct Debit payments.
It is recommended that the practice settles its banking transactions on a regular basis irrespective of whether the deposit slips are used. Daily Settlements provide users with a means to ensure that correct reconciliations are maintained. It is also recommended that daily takings are reconciled against your Day Sheet to ensure that your banking transactions are correct. Settling your banking on a regular basis will help prevent small errors escalating.
Your EFTPOS machine, whether TYRO-based (EFTPOS Auto) or bank-based (EFTPOS Manual) provides a daily tally of processed transactions. It is far easier for a practice to reconcile on a daily basis when multiple staff are involved in the data entry, than to wait until the end of the week. Bluechip provides the option to print the settlement slips if required.
A bank account contains four menu items:
Bank Deposit: Finalising Cash and Cheque transactions (receipts)
EFTPOS: Settling Credit Card transactions (receipts)
Account History: Displays all bank deposits and settlements recorded
Refunds: Displays all refunds drawn from a bank account
Bank Deposit Menu
The Bank Deposit window enables you to finalise bank deposit slips; Cash and Cheques. Bluechip allows you to draw out a cash amount and to carry money forward.
Within Bluechip, click or press F12 on your keyboard.
The Practice Explorer appears. Select Banking from the margin menu. This will display the Bank Account Name, Bank Details and the Unbanked totals.
To open the bank account you wish to perform banking for, either double-click the account, or select it and click Open The Bank Deposit window appears.
The Amount column represents the physical takings for both cash and cheques that will be deposited at the bank.
The Receipt Summary selection defaults to Cash, which displays the cash transactions incorporated in the amount.
If satisfied with the cash amount, select Cheques (within the Receipt Summary section). This displays cheque transactions incorporated in the amount.
The options available in Banking window are as follows:
Draft: Allows you to print a draft copy of the deposit slip prior to finalising the deposit,
View Receipt: Allows you to view a receipt to print or adjust it.
Drawings: Allows you to allocate an amount not to be included in the deposit. This amount will never be banked. For example, withdrawn for petty cash.
Carry Fwd: Allows you to allocate an amount not to be included in the deposit. This amount will be available to be included in a future deposit. For example, when reconciling direct debits with a bank statement and settling receipts with actual deposit dates.
Once satisfied with both cash and cheque amounts, click You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to finalise the deposit slip. Click OK. to confirm.
The Print Deposit Slip window appears to print the bank deposit, and also resets the balances to zero.
Note: The deposit slip is accepted by the bank.
The EFTPOS window enables you to reconcile your EFTPOS machine (TYRO – EFTPOS Auto or Bank Terminal – EFTPOS Manual) to the daily tally of transactions processed in Bluechip. It is recommended to settle your EFTPOS payments either at the end of the working day or first thing in the morning prior to the new days processing.
Within Bluechip, click or press F12 on your keyboard.
The Practice Explorer appears. Select Banking from the margin menu. This will display the Bank Account Name, Bank Details and the Unbanked totals.
To open the bank account you wish to perform banking for, either double-click the account, or select it and click Open
Select EFTPOS from the margin menu. The EFTPOS window appears.
The EFTPOS Type selection defaults to AMEX, click on EFTPOS. This will display the number of transactions been issued, and display the EFTPOS transactions incorporated in the settlement amount.
The options available in EFTPOS Settlement window:
Carry Fwd: Allows you to allocate an amount not to be included in the deposit. This amount will be available to be included in a future deposit date, such as when reconciling direct debits with a bank statement and settling receipts with actual deposit dates.
View Receipt: Allows you to view a receipt to print or adjust.
Draft Print: Allows a user to print a draft copy of the deposit slip prior to finalising the deposit.
Once satisfied your EFTPOS machine matches the Settlement amount in Bluechip, click The EFTPOS Settlement window appears.
Amend the Settlement Date (if reconciling on a weekly or monthly basis), and enter a Settlement Number if required (from your terminal settlement summary – not all settlements generate a number), and then click OK.
The Print EFTPOS window appears to print the settlement, and also resets the balance to zero.
The EFTPOS Settlement printout can be either cancelled (not printed) or printed to be stapled to your EFTPOS receipts and the Terminal Settlement printout for cross reference.
Account History Menu
The Account History menu allows a user to view all payment types made by the account holder. Payments include the past finalised deposits and settlements within the account.
Account History also allows a user to view individual transactions within the payment, providing the functionality to reprint, reverse a receipt, or view the invoice that is allocated to the receipt.
Within Bluechip, click or press F12 on your keyboard. The Practice Explorer appears. Select Banking from the margin menu. This will display the Bank Account Name, Bank Details and the Unbanked totals
To open the bank account you wish to perform banking for, either double-click the account, or select it and click Open
Select Acct History from the margin menu. The Account History window appears.
The default View setting for this window is to display All Payments. Select alternate views via the View drop-down list.
The Show Records For drop-down list provides a quick date range selection. The default is Current Month.
When Date Range is selected, ensure to enter the required dates, and then click on your keyboard. This will automatically list the payments finalised or settled in the specific date range.
Note: Show Audit Trail is available if required.
To open/view a Payment, either double-click the payment, or select it and click The View Bank Deposit window appears with a list of all transactions included in the deposit or settlement.
If you tick the Show Reversals After Banking check box, any receipts reversed after banking within the specific date range will also be displayed.
The options available in the Payment Deposit / Settlement window are;
View Receipt: Allows you to view the receipt to print or adjust.
Print/Reprint: Allows you to print a duplicate deposit slip, and it will mark as Duplicate on the document
Note: Show Audit Trail is available if required.
To open/view a Receipt; highlight the required receipt and either double-click or click on View Receipt button. The View Receipt window appears with receipt details.
The options available in the View Receipt window are;
View Banking: Allows you to go back to the payment window.
Reverse: Allows you to adjust or reverse a banked receipt.
Duplicate Receipt: Allows you to print a duplicate receipt, and it will mark as Duplicate on the receipt document.
View Invoice: Allows a user to view the invoice allocated to the receipt. This will take you straight into the invoice within the Patient’s account.
Refund Menu
Refunds are performed in a patient’s account after banking has been finalised. It does not change an issued invoice or receipt, nor does it change a day’s takings. Due to refunds usually being drawn from the practice’s account, it records the refund within the Banking module.
The Refund menu displays all refunds given for a specific date range. The Refund details recorded are as follows:
Issue Date
Reversed (if refund was reversed)
Entry Time
Refund No.
Reason (reason for refund)
Refund Type
Refund Method
Patient (who received the refund)
User (staff who issued refund)
Within Bluechip, click or press F12 on your keyboard. The Practice Explorer appears. Select Banking from the margin menu. This will display the Bank Account Name, Bank Details and the Unbanked totals
To open the bank account you wish to perform banking for, either double-click the account, or select it and click Open
Select the Refunds menu. The Account Refunds window appears.
The Show records for drop-down list provides you with a quick date range selection. The default is Current Month. When Date Range is selected, ensure to enter the required dates, and then click on your keyboard. This automatically lists the Refunds issued for the specific date range.
Ticking the Show Reversals check box displays refund reversals for the specific date range.
Note: Show Audit Trail is available if required.
Banking Items of Interest
The following table provides a description of fields and functionality within the Banking menus.
Receipt Summary Section |
Displays the amount of cash, cheques or credit vouchers to be banked. |
Allows you to print a draft deposit slip before you finalise the banking. |
Allows you to finalise the deposit slip. |
Bought Forward |
Displays any deposits brought forward from previous dates. |
Received |
Displays the amount received in cash or the number of cheques or credit vouchers when the text is highlighted in Receipt Summary section. |
This Deposit |
Displays the amount of this deposit received in cash or the number of cheques or credit vouchers when the text is highlighted in Receipt Summary section. |
Cash Drawings |
Displays the cash amount drawn by the account holder which will not be banked. |
Carry Forward |
Displays the cash amount from this deposit that will be banked at a future date. |
Received |
Displays the date the amount was deposited. |
Paid by |
Displays the name of the patient who made the payment. |
Amount |
Displays the amount paid depending on which text is highlighted in the Receipt Summary section. |
Allows you to view the deposit receipt. |
Carry forward check box |
Allows you to exclude a cash amount from this deposit and bank it at a future date. |
Total received |
Displays the total amount received in this deposit including cash, cheques, and credit vouchers. |
Less Cash drawings |
Displays the cash amount drawn from this deposit that will never be banked. |
Less Carry forward |
Displays the cash amount from this deposit that will be banked on a future date. |
Total to be banked |
Displays the total amount to be banked less any cash drawings or cash carried forward. |
Bank Transfers
The Bank Transfers menu allows transfer of money between bank accounts. Bank Transfers do not affect banking for either bank accounts; it is for recording purposes only. A manual transfer between the bank accounts is required.
In the following example Dr G. Emmett has written a cheque for $150 to Dr B Ayers, to be deposited into his bank account
Within Bluechip, click or press F12 on your keyboard. The Practice Explorer appears. Select Bank Transfers from the margin menu. Leave the default transfer type as All.
To transfer money from one bank account to another bank account, click The Add Bank Account Transfer window appears.
Select the bank accounts you with to transfer From and To via the associated drop-down lists.
Enter the Amount to be transferred and a Narration (reason) for the transfer of funds.
Click OK. The funds transfer will display in the Transfer History and the User Transfers Required to Balance Accounts area (bottom of the Transfer History area) as a record of transfer.
Note: For future reference, you can search for Bank Account Transfer History using the From and To date range.
Note: Bank Transfers do not affect Banking for either bank accounts; it is for recording purposes only. A manual transfer between the bank accounts is required.
Banking Reports
There is an extensive range of reports available in MedicalDirector Bluechip for your perusal. There are four reports as a quick reference in the Banking Reports menu that can assist with Banking:
Bank Account Transfers Report: provides either a full list of all bank transfers for a given date range, or all bank transfers required to balance bank accounts.
Banking History Report: provides a summary/ detailed listing of finalised banking slips and slip receipts for a bank account for a given date range.
Receipt Reversals After Banking: provides a listing of receipts reversed after banking.
Unbanked Receipt Report: provides a listing of receipts that have not yet been banked. An additional daily report to run is the Day Sheet. It is recommended that daily takings are reconciled against your Day Sheet to ensure that your banking transactions are correct. This report is located in the General Financial Reports menu.
Day Sheet: provides an end-of-day snapshot of all transactions and appointments processed on a daily basis.
How to Run a Banking Report
All reports are accessible via the icon, or via the Reports menu. Reports are accessible from any window open in Bluechip. A report description is provided to assist you identify the right report for your requirements. To access any report has the same procedure, however the filter options may differ.
This section provides the steps to run a Banking Report in MedicalDirector Bluechip.
Either click the button, or select Reports > Printer (Ctrl + P) to access the reports list.
Scroll down the menu to the Banking Reports or General Financial Reports menu; highlight the required report and click Next
Report filter options differ for each report. Select the required option; Date Range, appropriate Bank Account, Summary or Detail report, Banking Slip Type, and/or any additional filters that maybe required on the selected report, and then click Next
Select the Set Print To options if not defaulted, and then click Next to print.