Deceased Patients

You can flag a patient as deceased via the Patient Details Window of the Patient Explorer.

When a patient is flagged as deceased, you cannot create a new account for them, schedule appointments for them, or issue new invoices. However, you can process existing invoices for the patient.

Note that in order to flag a patient as deceased, the user must have permission to do so, as specified via the Permissions settings in BC Secure.

Open the patient's record.

If necessary, select the Patient Details entry in the margin menu.

Tick the Deceased check box. You will be prompted with a warning to remind you that you will not be able to create new accounts or invoices for this patient if you proceed. Click OK. on this prompt to acknowledge your understanding of this restriction, and proceed.

Enter a date in the Deceased Date field. This is the date on which the patient became deceased. You cannot enter a date later than the current date, nor earlier than the patient's date of birth.

Click to confirm.