Ctrl + P
Reports > Print
The Deferred Invoices Report provides you with a list of all, currently deferred, invoices that have been entered into Bluechip and deferred, within a given date range. It also includes any already deferred invoices that have been modified and then deferred again, within the specified date range. Information included for each deferred invoice in the report is:
the name of the patient
the name of the Practitioner (and location)
the account class
the item no, description and fee for each service
and a subtotal.
Each patient's deferred invoices are also totalled.
This report is used to keep track of any deferred invoices. An invoice that has been deferred has not been issued and has not, therefore, incurred a debt in the patient's account. Because of this, these invoices will not register in any of the normal financial reports, such as Earnings, Reconciliation, Debtors reports, and so forth.
How the Deferred Invoices Report is Defined
Deferred invoices are only included in this report if they were entered or modified, and deferred, within the specified date range. This means that the Deferred Invoices Report is based on Date of entry. The dates of service of the items included in the invoices have no bearing on the report.
Only invoices that are still deferred will appear in this report. An invoice that had been entered and deferred within the date range covered by the report, but which have subsequently been issued, will not appear in a Deferred Invoices Report.
How to Generate a Deferred Invoices Report
Press Ctrl + P
Select Reports > Print
The Print Report window appears.
Select Deferred Invoices Report from the list of reports and click Next The Print Deferred Invoices Report window appears.
Enter the date range that you would like the report to cover and then click Next
You can leave both date fields blank, if you wish the report to include all deferred invoices.
When you have made all of the appropriate settings, click Next
Make sure that the correct printer and tray are chosen and then click Next Note that you will have to choose the printer and tray the first time you print this report, on each terminal. Thereafter Bluechip will remember the appropriate settings.
How to Interpret this Report
The report is broken into sections based on each patient whose deferred invoices were entered/modified and deferred within the specified date range. These patients appear in alphabetical order according to surname.
Each patient section is then broken into subsections based on individual invoices. Each invoice section contains the item, description and fee, for all services billed in the invoice, and a subtotal. These subtotals are then combined to give a total amount deferred for the patient. Finally, these totals are combined to give a grand total of the amount deferred.