Financial Reports Guide for Bluechip


This guide covers the functionality of financial reports in Bluechip, and provides the following information related to each report;

Report parameter window: This window provides options for generating the selected report.

Report layout: A brief description of the layout of the selected report.

Ancillary Information: This section provides details of related financial reports you can use to validate the totals/transactions displayed in the selected financial report.

Section 2 covers the Bluechip Financial Report matrix for identifying related financial reports in Bluechip, which you can use to get the matching report totals or transactions (please note, you must generate both reports for the same date range).

Section3 covers the mapping of financial reports in previous MedicalDirector Bluechip 2.6 releases (or older versions) to newly-introduced financial reports in Bluechip 2.7.3 (or later releases).

Also, section 4 of this document covered the Bluechip financial report access permission mapping from Bluechip 2.6.Release to Bluechip 2.7.3.Release

Section 1 - Financial Report Functionality

Invoice Reports

Invoice reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of invoices issued, reversed, or adjusted within a specified date range. In Bluechip, invoice reports fall into 3 categories;

Invoice Summary Report

Invoice Detail Report

Invoice Detail Items Report

Invoice Summary Report

Report Layout: The Invoice Summary Report displays a class-based summary of invoices that were;



Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner/practice;

Reports based on the ‘practice wide’ option provide class-based summary totals and a practice-wide report total for all practitioners (including deactivated) displayed in the report.

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option provide class-wide summary totals for each practitioner and practitioner-wide summary totals for each practitioner in the report. Additionally the report displays class-wide practice summaries for the selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Invoice totals on this report tally with the invoice totals displayed on the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Detail

Invoice Detail items

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (invoices section)

Invoice Detail Report

Report Layout: The Invoice Detail Report displays a class-wide summary of invoices that were;



Adjusted over a specified date range and grouped by practitioner/practice, account classification, and patient;

Reports based on the ‘practice wide’ option display class-wide report totals and practice-wide report totals for all practitioners (including deactivated)

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option, provide class-wide invoice totals for each practitioner, each practitioner’s invoice totals, and additionally displays a class-wide practice summary of the selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Invoice totals on this report tally with the invoice total displayed on the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary

Invoice Detail Items

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (invoices section)

Invoice transactions displayed on this report tally with invoice transactions on the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Detail Items

Income Analysis

Income Analysis Detail

Invoice Audit Trail

Invoice Detail Items Report

Report Layout: The Invoice Detail Items report provides a detailed item-wide listing of invoices;



Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner, account classification, and patient;

Reports based on the ‘practice wide’ option display class-wide report totals and practice- wide report totals for all practitioners (including deactivated)

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option provide class- wide invoice totals for practitioners, and each practitioner’s invoice totals. Additionally the report displays a class-based practice summary of the selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Invoice totals on this report tally with the invoice totals on the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary

Invoice Detail

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (invoices section)

Invoice transactions on this report tally with invoice transactions on the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Detail Items

Income Analysis

Income Analysis Detail

Invoice Audit Trail

Allocations Reports

Allocation reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of receipts or credits allocated to invoices, reversed, or adjusted within a specified date range. Allocation reports fall into 3 categories;

Allocations Detail report

Allocations Detail Items report

Allocations Summary Report

Report Layout: The Allocations Summary report provides a summary of receipts generated and credit allocations to invoices;



Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner/practice, account classification;

Report based on the ‘practice wide’ option display class-wide report totals and practice- wide report totals for all practitioners (including deactivated).

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option provide class- wide receipt and credit allocation totals for each practitioner, final totals of all classes for each practitioner, and a class- wide practice summary of the selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Totals on this report tally with the receipt allocation and credit allocation totals on the following reports for same date range;

Allocation Detail

Allocation Detail Items

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (‘receipts’ and ‘credit allocation’ sections)

If all the receipts/credits generated within the period are allocated to invoices within the same period, and also banked with in the same period, totals in this report should tally with Banking History report (summary/detail).

Allocations Detail Report

Report Layout: The Allocations Detail report provides a receipt-level detail of receipts generated and credit allocations to the invoices;



Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner/practice, account classification, and patient;

Reports based on the ‘practice wide’ option display receipt-based listing of receipts allocated, and credits allocated to invoice transactions of the practice with class-based and practice-based transaction totals for all practitioners (including deactivated).

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option provide a receipt-based listing of receipts allocated, credits allocated to invoice transactions for each practitioner, with class-based and practitioner-based transaction totals for each practitioner. This report also displays class- based summary totals for all the selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Totals displayed on this report tally with the receipt allocation and credit allocation totals on the following reports for the same date range;

Allocation Summary

Allocation Detail Items

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (‘receipts’ and ‘credit allocation’ sections)

Transactions displayed on this report tally with receipt allocation and credit allocation transactions on the following reports for the same date range;

Allocation Detail Items

Income Analysis (‘receipt allocated to invoice items’/ ‘credit allocated to invoice items’ sections),

Income Analysis Detail (‘receipt allocated to invoice items’/ ‘credit allocated to invoice items’ sections)

Receipt Audit Trail

If all the receipts/credits generated within the period are allocated to invoices within the same period, and also banked with in the same period, totals in this report should tally with the Banking History report (summary/ Detail).

Allocations Detail Items Report

Report Layout: The Allocations Detail Items report provides detail of receipts generated and credit allocations to service items of the invoices;



Adjusted over a specified date range, and grouped by practitioner/practice, account classification, and patient;

Reports based on the ‘practice wide’ option display a detailed item-based listing of receipts allocated and credit allocated to invoice transactions for the practice, and class-based and practice-based transaction totals for all practitioners (including deactivated).

Reports based on the ‘practitioner wide’ option display a detailed item-based listing of receipts allocated and credits allocated to invoice transactions for each practitioner, and class-based and practitioner-based transaction totals for each practitioner. Additionally this report displays class-based summary totals for all selected practitioners.


Ancillary Information: Totals displayed in this report tally with the receipt allocation and credit allocation totals on the following reports for the same date range;

Allocation Summary

Allocation Detail

Income Summary


Debtors Reconciliation (‘receipts’ and ‘credit allocation’ sections)

Transactions displayed on this report tally with receipt allocation and credit allocation transactions on the following reports for same date range;

Income Analysis Detail (‘receipt allocated to invoice items’/ ‘credit allocated to invoice items’ sections)

Receipt Audit Trail

If all the receipts/credits generated within the period are allocated to invoices within the same period, and also banked within the same period, totals in this report should tally with the Banking History report (summary/detail).

Income Reports

Income reports provide a summary, detail, or detail item listing of net earnings, accrued-based and cash-based (invoice created, receipts/ credits allocated, refunds created, write-offs created) within a specified date range. Income reports fall into 3 categories;

Income Summary report

Income Analysis report

Income Analysis Detail report

Income Summary Report

Report Layout: The Income Summary report provides a summary of net earnings, accrued-based and cash-based, for a specified date range (practice-wide or practitioner-wide).

Net earnings in accrued-based include the net of the totals of the following transaction types;

Add invoices issued

Sundry invoices issued and

Deduct claim/batch error write-off,

Discounts granted for invoices,

Bad D=debt write-offs

Refunds of allocated payments

Net earnings in cash-based include the net of the totals of the following transaction types;

Add receipt allocated to invoice items

Credit allocated to invoice items

Deduct refunds of allocated payments


Ancillary Information: Totals tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary report and Invoice Detail report

Allocation Summary report and Allocation Detail report

Income Analysis report and Income Analysis detail report


Debtors’ reconciliation

Income Analysis Report

Report Layout: The Income Analysis report provides an invoice and receipt-based breakdown of revenue for a given period from both an accrual and cash basis. The following report sections are displayed in the report;

Invoices issued

Sundry invoices issued and claim/batch error write-offs

Discounts granted for invoices

Bad debt write-offs

Refunds of allocated payments

Receipts allocated to invoice items

Credit allocated to invoice items

Refunds of allocated payments



Ancillary Information: Totals displayed in this report tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary

Invoice Detail

Allocation Summary

Allocation Detail

Income Summary

Income Analysis Detail


Debtors’ Reconciliation

Transactions displayed in this report tally with the related sections of the following reports for same date range;

Invoice Detail

Allocation Detail

Income Analysis Detail

Invoice Audit Trail

Receipt Audit Trail

Refund Audit Trail

Write-off Audit Trail

Income Analysis Detail Report

Report Layout: The Income Analysis report provides an item-level breakdown of revenue for a given period. The following sections are displayed in the report;

Invoices issued

Sundry invoices issued and claim/batch error write-offs

Discounts granted for invoices

Bad Debt write-offs

Refunds of allocated payments

Receipt allocated to invoice items

Credit allocated to invoice items

Refunds of allocated payments


 Ancillary Information: Totals displayed on this report tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary

Invoice Detail

Invoice Detail Items

Allocation Summary

Allocation Detail

Allocation Detail Items

Income Summary

 Income Analysis


Debtors’ Reconciliation

Transactions displayed on this report tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Detail Items

Allocation Detail Items

Invoice Audit Trail

Receipt Audit Trail

Refund Audit Trail Detail

Write-off Audit Trail Detail

GST Report

Report Layout: The GST report assists with GST reporting requirements such as the ATO Business Activity Statement (BAS) that is used to periodically report to the ATO on GST collected and paid, and provides a summary of GST collected and earned on an accrued basis and cash basis for a specified period (practice-wide or practitioner-wide).

The following data is displayed on the report;

GST invoiced (accrued) including the net of the totals of the following transaction types;

Add invoices issued

Less claim write-offs

Bad debt write-offs

Discounts granted for invoices

Refunds of allocated payments


GST receipted (cash) including the net of the totals of the following transaction types;

Add receipt allocated to invoice items

Credit allocated to invoice items

Less refunds of allocated payments


Ancillary Information: Totals displayed on this report tally with the related sections of the following reports for the same date range;

Invoice Summary

Invoice Detail

Invoice Detail Items

Allocation Summary

Allocation Detail

Allocation Detail Items

Income Summary

Income Analysis

Income Analysis Detail

Debtors’ Reconciliation

Service Items Reports

Service Items Summary Report

Report Layout: The Service Items Summary report provides a class-based summary of the number of times each service item was performed, the total invoiced, total payments, write-off, and discounts given during a specified date range.

Service Items Detail Report

Report Layout: The Service Items Detail report provides a class-based detail of services performed, patient name, invoice number, transaction type, service date, issue date, invoiced amount, paid amount, write-offs and discounts for each service item for a specified date range.


Invoice Audit Trail Report

Report Layout: The Invoice Audit Trail report lists all invoice transactions for a specified date range. Transaction types include invoices, invoice reversals and invoice adjustments. Additionally you can view an audit trail of a user’s created/modified transactions.

Ancillary Information: Transactions displayed on this report tally with the invoice transactions displayed in the following reports for same date range.

Invoice Detail

Invoice Detail Items

Receipt Audit Trail Report

Report Layout: The Receipt Audit Trail report lists all receipt transactions for a specified date range. Transaction types include receipts, receipt reversals, receipt adjustments, credit allocations, and credit allocation reversals. Additionally you can view an audit trail of a user’s created/modified transactions.


Ancillary Information: Transactions displayed on this report tally with the invoice transactions displayed on the following reports for the same date range;

Allocations detail report,

Allocations detail items report

Refund Audit Trail Reports

Refund Audit Trail Summary Report

Report Layout: The Refund Audit Trail Summary report provides a summary listing of all refund transactions (credit refunds and allocations refunds) for a specified date range. Transaction types include credit refunds, allocated payment refunds, credit refund reversals, and allocated payment refund reversals. Additionally you can view an audit trail of a user’s created/modified transactions.


Refund Audit Trail Detail Report

Report Layout: The Refund Audit Trail Detail report provides a detailed listing of all refund transactions (credit refunds and allocations refunds) for a specified date range. Transaction types include credit refunds, allocated payment refunds, credit refund reversals, and allocated payment refund reversals. Additionally you can view an audit trail of a user’s created/modified transactions.

Write-off Audit Trail Reports

Write-off Audit Trail Summary Report

Report Layout: The Write-off Audit Trail Summary report provides a summarised list of all write-off transactions for a specified date range. Transaction types include claim write-offs, bad-debt write-offs, and write-off reversals. Additionally you can view an audit trail of where a user has created/modified transactions.


Write-off Audit Trail Detail Report

Report Layout: The Write-off Audit Trail Detail report provides a detailed listing of all write-off transactions for a specified date range. Transaction types include claim write-offs, bad-debt write-offs, and write-off reversals. Additionally you can view an audit trail of where a user has created/modified transactions.


Credit Reports

Credit Summary Report

Report Layout: The Credit Summary Report provides a class-based summary of available receipt overpayments and prepayments as at a specified date.


Credit Detail Report

Report Layout: The Credit Detail report provides available receipt overpayments and prepayments for patients as of a specified date. The credit transactions are grouped by class.


Day Sheet

Report Layout: The Day Sheet report displays an 'end-of-day' snapshot, enabling you to review and reconcile all transactions on a daily basis. This report is based on the transaction issue date or entry date, and displays the following transaction types for a specified day;


Deferred invoices created or updated

Receipts and credit allocations

Receipts by payment method



Appointments booked

Appointments cancelled


Debtor Reports

Debtors Summary Report

Report Layout: The Debtors Summary report displays a summary of patient account balances by outstanding duration (e.g. 30, 60, 90+ days old) for each class, as of a specified date. The Credit Balance column of this report lists any credit balances available for the specified debtor classes. This allows you to settle these debit balances using the credit balances of the associated patients. This report is used on a periodic basis as a decision support tool for monitoring and recovering outstanding debts.


Debtors Detail Report

Report Layout: The Debtors Detail report lists outstanding patient account balances by duration of time outstanding (e.g., 30, 60, 90+ days old) for each patient as of a specified date. The Credit Balance column of this report lists any credit balances available for the specified debtor classes. This allows you to settle these debit balances using the credit balances of the associated patients. Debtor records in this report are grouped by class. This report is used on a periodic basis as a decision support tool for monitoring and recovering outstanding debts.


Debtor Reconciliation Report

Report Layout: The Debtor Reconciliation report provides a summary reconciliation on the movement of debtor balances over a given period which is affected by invoices, receipts, credit allocations and write-offs.

The report content includes:

Opening debtors balances at the beginning of the period

Invoices (invoices, sundry invoices) which add to the opening debtor balances

Claim and bad debt write-offs which decrease from the debtor balances

Receipts, credits allocations and discounts that decrease the debtor balances

Closing debtor balances at the close of the period


Debt Collection Report

Print Options window: Generate the Debt Collection report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify a date range.

Report Layouts: This report provides a list of all patient accounts and associated balances that have been referred for debt collection in the period specified.


Deferred Invoices Report

Print Options window: Generate the Deferred Invoices report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

The date range.

Whether to view results by Entry Date or Service Date.


Report Layout: This report provides a detailed listing of deferred invoices over a given period either based on item serviced date or by Item entry date.


Assistants Report

Print Options window: Generate the Assistants report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

The date range

To group the results by Assistants or Practitioners

One or more assistants

One or more practitioners

Whether to include deactivated practitioners


Report Layout: This report lists all invoiced items for the specified period and their payments, discounts, write-offs and remaining balances, along with all receipted invoices the specified period, related to the selected assistants. This report is intended to help Practice Managers determine payments for Assistants.

Locums Report

Print Options window: Generate the Locums report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

The date range

To group the results by Locums or Practitioners

One or more locums

One or more practitioners

Whether to include deactivated practitioners


Report Layout: This report lists all invoiced items with their payments, discounts, write-offs and remaining balances, which have been provided by locums on behalf of practitioners within the specified period. You can either order report by locums or by practitioners. This report is intended to assist Practice Managers determine locum payments.


Banking History Reports

Banking reports are subdivided into;

Banking History report - Detail

Banking history report - Summary

Banking History Report – Detail

Report layout: The Banking History (Detail) report provides a list of finalised banking slips with respective receipt transactions for selected bank accounts over a specified period.


Banking History Report – Summary

Report layout: The Banking History (Summary) report provides a summary list of finalised banking slips (without receipt transactions) for selected bank account over a specified period.

Receipt Reversals After Banking Report

Print Options window: Generate the Receipt Reversals After Banking report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

The date range

The bank account to base the report on.


Report layout: This report lists reversed receipts (previously banked) for the selected bank account over a specified period.


Unbanked Receipts Report

Print Options window: Generate the Unbanked Receipts report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

The date range

The bank account to base the report on.


Report layout: This report lists unbanked receipts for the selected bank account for a specified period.


Bank Account Transfer Report

Print Options window: Generate the Bank Account Transfer report based on the criteria presented on the options window, as shown following. This report requires you specify the following;

Indicate whether the report detail displays a bank account transfer history or outstanding required bank transfers.

The ‘Show Transfer History’ option also allows you to enter a date range.

The ‘Show Outstanding Required Bank Transfer’ option displays all outstanding transfers, regardless of date.


Report layout for Outstanding Required Bank Transfers: This report lists all manual bank transfers, required for balancing bank accounts.

Report layout for Transfers History: This report lists the full history of all bank transfers completed for a specified date range, for balancing the bank accounts.

Section 2 –Bluechip Financial Report Matrix

 Some or all of the figures in these reports tally with other reports in the horizontal and vertical axis in the financial report matrix.

 Figures in these reports do not tally with other reports in the horizontal and vertical axis in the financial report matrix.

*      Figures displayed in banking reports tally with the Receipt Audit Trail Report if all the receipts related to the report period are banked within the same period only.

**  Figures displayed in banking reports tally with the Allocations Reports, if all the receipts related to the report period are allocated to invoices within the same period, and also banked within the same period only.

Section 3 – Financial Report Permission Mapping

Permission Level


Prior to Bluechip 2.7 Known As

Low Level Reports

Appointment List (extended)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt (All levels)

Appointment List (no comments)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt (All levels)

Appointment List (with comments)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt (All levels)

Consultation Slip A5

L/ M/ H/ Mgt (All levels)

File Number

L/ M/ H/ Mgt (All levels)

Inpatient Medical Claim Payment

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Claim Payment

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Claimant Declaration (PC)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Claims (Detailed)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Claims (Summary)

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus DVA Claim Form

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Lodgment Advice

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Patient Claims Outstanding

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Medicare Aus Statement of Claims and Benefit

L/ M/ H/ Mgt

Recalls Summary

Not provided

Medium Level Reports

Assistants Report  


Credit Summary Report


Credit Details Report


Deferred Invoices Report


High Level Reports

Day Sheet  


Debt Collection Report


Debtors details Report


Debtors Reconciliation Report


Debtors summary Report


Locum Report


Referring Doctors




Management Level Reports

Allocations detail items Report

Mg t(2.6‐ Revenue – Allocations Reports)

Allocations details Report

Mgt (2.6‐ Revenue – Allocations Reports)

Allocations summary Report

Mgt (2.6‐ Revenue – Allocations Reports)

Bank Account Transfer Report (Detail/ Required)


Banking History Report


GST Report


Income analysis details Reports

Mgt (2.6‐ Earnings Reports)

Income Analysis Reports

Mgt (2.6‐ Earnings Reports)

Income Summary Reports

Mgt (2.6‐ Earnings Reports)

Invoices Audit Trail Report


Invoices Detail items Report

Mgt (2.6‐ Revenue – Invoice Reports)

Invoices Details Report

Mgt (2.6‐ Revenue – Invoice Reports)

Invoices Summary Report

Mgt (2.6‐ Revenue – Invoice Reports)

Receipt Reversals after banking


Receipts Audit Trail Report


Refunds Audit Trail Detail Report


Refunds Audit Trail Summary Report


Service Items Details Report


Service Items summary Report


Unbanked Receipts Report


Write‐off Audit Trail Detail Report


Write‐off Audit Trail Summary Report
