Income Analysis Report

Printer Icon

Ctrl + P

Reports > Print


Provides an item-wise breakdown of revenue for a given period from both an accrual and cash basis.  The report also lists or takes into account write-offs, discounts and refunds of allocated payments which are either expenses or contra income against the earned revenue. Additionally provides a transaction breakdown of unallocated credit payments and refund of unallocated credit payments for a given period. NOTE: MedicalDirector recommends the use of 'File - Microsoft Excel (.csv)' file type format if generating report more than 3 years.




Press Ctrl + P

Select Reports > Print


The Print Report window appears.


Select Income Analysis Report from the list of reports and click Next  The Print Income Analysis Report window appears.


Enter a date range.

Indicate how you wish to group the printed details.

Indicate other options as desired.

Indicate which practitioners you wish to print data for (all or specific).

Click Next when you are ready to proceed.