Linking to Images in Document and Letterhead Templates

In order to slow the rate of expansion of customers' databases, a limit of 50KB has been placed on the size of imported Word Processing Templates. As a result, this limits the use of graphics within Word Processing Templates i.e. only images of a small file size can be used.

An alternative to embedding images in templates, is linking to them. When an image is linked to a template, the image itself is not added to the template (thus not affecting the file size of the template). Rather, a link is created between the image and the template. Then, whenever you open the template (or otherwise use a document based on it), the image is imported on-the-fly, such as when you go to print a document based on the template. It is important to understand that if an image has been linked to a template, and then it is moved or renamed, the link becomes broken.

Instructions for:

Word Processing Templates

Letterhead Templates

Word Processing Templates

Ensure that the image is in a location accessible to all workstation computers.

A recommendation would be something like your Bluechip server computer (e.g. \\SERVER\BlueData), as this location is accessible to all instances of Bluechip, and this computer is not at risk of being turned off (such as a workstation might be).


Select (for Word Processing Templates) Setup > Templates > WP.

The WP Template Setup window appears.


Locate and select the WP template you wish to add the linked image to, and then click Edit  Your template is opened in Microsoft Word, where you can make the necessary changes.

Within the template, click where you wish the image to appear.

Select Insert > Picture > From File. The Insert Picture window appears.

Locate and select the image. Do not double-click the image, as this action will embed the image in your template, rather than create a link to it.

With the image selected, locate the Insert button at the bottom-right of the Insert Picture window, and click the drop-down arrow on this button.

From the menu that appears, select Link to File. You will be returned to the template. Note that it will seem as though you had imported the image, as a copy of the image now appears in your template. However, this is only a preview of the image - a link to the original.

Continue to modify your Word Processing template as necessary. When you have finished, simply close Microsoft Word. You may be prompted to save the template. You will then be returned to Bluechip, where the Word Processing template is now ready for use.

Letterhead Template

Ensure that the image is in a location accessible to all workstation computers.

A recommendation would be something like your Bluechip server computer (e.g. \\SERVER\BlueData), as this location is accessible to all instances of Bluechip, and this computer is not at risk of being turned off (such as a workstation might be).


Select (for Letterhead Templates) Setup > Templates > Letterheads.

The Letterhead Template Setup window appears. See also Letterheads.



Locate and select the Letterhead Template you wish to add the linked image to, and then click Edit  Your template is opened in Microsoft Word, where you can make the necessary changes.

Within the template, click where you wish the image to appear.

Select Insert > Picture > From File. The Insert Picture window appears.

Locate and select the image. Do not double-click the image, as this action will embed the image in your template, rather than create a link to it.

With the image selected, locate the Insert button at the bottom-right of the Insert Picture window, and click the drop-down arrow on this button.

From the menu that appears, select Insert. You will be returned to the template. Note that it will seem as though you had imported the image, as a copy of the image now appears in your template. However, this is only a preview of the image - a link to the original.

Continue to modify your Letterhead Template as necessary. When you have finished, simply close Microsoft Word. You may be prompted to save the template. You will then be returned to Bluechip, where the Word Processing template is now ready for use.