Field |
Application |
[Patient_Name] |
Patient Full Name |
[Patient_Surname] |
Patient surname. |
[Patient_Given] |
Patient given name. |
[Patient_Initial] |
Patient initial. |
[Title] |
Patient title. |
[Patient_FileNo] |
Patient file number. |
[FirstVisitDate] |
First visit date. |
[Pat_Addr] |
Formatted Address (Containing 'addr1, addr2 and Suburb/State/Postcode') |
[Pat_Addr1] |
Patient Address Line 1 |
[Pat_Addr2] |
Patient Address Line 2 |
[Pat_Addr3] |
Patient Address Line 3 |
[Pat_Suburb] |
Address line 3 (suburb / postcode). |
[Pat_Addr2] |
Address line 1 + line 2. |
[Patient_DOB] |
Date of birth. |
[Age] |
Age (years). |
[Pat_Phone] |
Patient phone number. |
[PatMobilePh] |
Patient Mobile Phone Number (as recorded in Patient Details) |
[Pat_AltPhone] |
Patient alternate phone number. |
[Pat_Comment] |
Comment Line from Patient Details |
[Occup] |
Occupation. |
[Pat_Medicare] |
Patient Medicare card number. |
[Pat_MedicareExpiry] |
Expiry Date of Medicare Card Number (mm/yyyy) |
[Pat_MedicareRef] |
Patient Medicare Card Ref Number |
[Pat_Veterans] |
Patient Veterans card number. |
[Pract_Name] |
Practitioner name. |
[Class_Name] |
Class name. |
[AcctFileNo] |
Account file number. |
[RefDocSurname] |
Referring Doctor surname. |
[RefDocGiven] |
Referring Doctor given name. |
[RefDocTitle] |
Referring Doctor title. |
[RefDocAddr1] |
Referring Doctor address line 1. |
[RefDocAddr2] |
Referring Doctor address line 2. |
[RefDocAddr3] |
Referring Doctor address line 3. |
[RefDocAddr12] |
Referring Doctor address line 1 + line 2. |
[RefProvNo] |
Referring Doctor provider number. |
[RefDate] |
Referral date (start). |
[RefPeriod] |
Referral duration. |
[PractLocAbbrev] |
Practice location abbreviation. |
[PractLoc] |
Practice location. |
[PractProvNo] |
Practitioner provider number. |
[PractInitials] |
Practitioner initials. |
[PractSurname] |
Practitioner surname. |
[PractGiven] |
Practitioner given name. |
[PractTitle] |
Practitioner title. |
[PatMobilePh] |
Adds the mobile phone number for the patient, as recorded in the Patient Details window. |
Reports with General Fields: |
Appointment lists, Bookings, Day Sheet, Debtors Reports, Deferred Invoices, Deposit Slip, Earnings Reports, Envelope, Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Receipts Report, Statement, Transaction Listing |
Reports with Contact Fields: |
Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing |
Reports with Account Fields: |
Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing |
Reports with Patient Fields: |
Appointment lists, Invoice templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing |
Reports with Referral Fields: |
Appointment lists, Invoice templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing |