Report Field Codes




Patient Full Name


Patient surname.


Patient given name.


Patient initial.


Patient title.


Patient file number.


First visit date.


Formatted Address (Containing 'addr1, addr2 and Suburb/State/Postcode')


Patient Address Line 1


Patient Address Line 2


Patient Address Line 3


Address line 3 (suburb / postcode).


Address line 1 + line 2.


Date of birth.


Age (years).


Patient phone number.


Patient Mobile Phone Number (as recorded in Patient Details)


Patient alternate phone number.


Comment Line from Patient Details




Patient Medicare card number.


Expiry Date of Medicare Card Number (mm/yyyy)


Patient Medicare Card Ref Number


Patient Veterans card number.


Practitioner name.


Class name.


Account file number.


Referring Doctor surname.


Referring Doctor given name.


Referring Doctor title.


Referring Doctor address line 1.


Referring Doctor address line 2.


Referring Doctor address line 3.


Referring Doctor address line 1 + line 2.


Referring Doctor provider number.


Referral date (start).


Referral duration.


Practice location abbreviation.


Practice location.


Practitioner provider number.


Practitioner initials.


Practitioner surname.


Practitioner given name.


Practitioner title.


Adds the mobile phone number for the patient, as recorded in the Patient Details window.

Reports with General Fields:

 Appointment lists, Bookings, Day Sheet, Debtors Reports, Deferred Invoices, Deposit Slip, Earnings Reports, Envelope, Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Receipts Report, Statement, Transaction Listing

Reports with Contact Fields:

 Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing

Reports with Account Fields:

Invoice templates, Labels templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing

Reports with Patient Fields:

Appointment lists, Invoice templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing

Reports with Referral Fields:

Appointment lists, Invoice templates, Receipt templates, Statement, Transaction Listing