Reports (Recalls)

Printer Icon

Ctrl + P

Reports > Print


The Recalls Summary Report provides you with a list of all recalls due in a given period.



Press Ctrl + P

Select Reports > Print


The Print Report window appears.

From the list of available reports, select Recalls Summary Report.

Click Next  The Print Recalls Summary Report appears.


Select to print a list of all recall types or a specific recall type from the Recall Type drop-down list.

(Optional) Enter the date range that you wish the report to cover.

(Optional) Choose whether to include deactivated practitioners via the associated check box

(Optional) Separate each day in the report with a line by enabling the associated check box.

Select the Practitioners whose recalls you wish to print

Click Next when you are ready to proceed.

You will be presented with print settings. Ensure that the printer and tray settings are correct and then click Next again to send the report to the printer.