Room/Location Management

The terms 'Room' and 'Location' are interchangeable, with both referring to the physical location at which a practitioner resides. There may be instances however where a single location has multiple rooms, and although this is uncommon, Bluechip provides for this scenario.

Rooms are defined by;

A room number.

The location at which the room can be found.

Whether or not the room is 'active'.


Locations are defined by;

A name, and its abbreviation.

A Provider Number (a practitioner must record a different Provider Number against each location at which they practise)

An associated bank account

A Location Specific Practice Number (LSPN) if required, for all diagnostic imaging and radiation oncology Practice sites.


Each location can have a unique letterhead associated with it, and when an account is created in a patient's file, the practitioner and location are both specified. The linking of earnings figures with locations allows you to run separate financial reports for each location. Note also that Rooms/Locations are available to practitioners, but not locums or tenants.

To Manage Rooms/Locations

When managing rooms/locations you can reverse your actions by clicking the Revert button. Note however you cannot revert after you have clicked the Apply button.

As such, it is recommended that you perform a backup before making changes to BC Secure.


Open and log in to BC Secure.

In BC Secure, select the Practitioners menu item.


From the list of practitioners, select the practitioner for whom you wish to add/edit a room.

To add a room click in the Rooms section on the right-hand side of this window. A new room will be added to the list of rooms associated with the selected practitioner, as indicated in the following image.

Each room you add for a given practitioner will be numbered consecutively, with the number of free rooms remaining indicated at the top of the Rooms section of the window.

If you delete a room from a series of rooms, each room following will adopt the room number of its predecessor i.e. Room 4 will become Room 3 and so forth.

If you deactivate a room it will no longer be available for selection when creating new accounts. Furthermore although you will still be able to view existing accounts, you will not be able to create new invoices for those accounts. Throughout Bluechip, where an inactive practitioner, location or bank account appears, it is clearly identified in italics, and either (D) or (Deactivated) will be appended to its name.


Enter details about the room's location:

Name the location, and enter an abbreviation for it.

Select a Provider Number. If you have not been given a Provider Number for this location yet, you can leave the default value of N/A, and enter this information later.

Select a Bank Account to associate with this location.

Enter a LSPN (Location Specific Practice Number) if required.


Click to confirm any changes you make.