Statement Report

Printer Icon

Ctrl + P

Reports > Print


The Statement Report can be used to print a statement of account for an individual debtor, or to print a statement run, usually at month-end. It lists outstanding services and provides a breakdown of the ages of the debts. GST is included in the statements.

It can also be setup to have a message print on the statement that is appropriate to the age of the reported debts.

When you select 'One line per invoice' as the Bulk Type option in the Print Statements window, invoices are not listed individually. This selection means GST is not displayed.

GST is only displayed for Bulk Type statements if you select either 'All invoice items' or 'One page per patient' as the Bulk Type option in the Print Statements window.

How the Statement Report is Defined

The ages of the balances are calculated based on the date of issue of the invoices in question. For example: an invoice issued on 1 February that is still outstanding when a statement is printed on 20 April, will be classed as 60+ days old, and will be included in the 60 Days column in the report.

This report looks for outstanding account balances, an account with a nil balance will not be included in a statement run. This holds true even if there is an outstanding invoice within that account, provided that it is balanced by a credit amount.

How to Generate a Statement Report

This procedure varies, depending on whether you wish to print an individual statement or a statement run, as explained following.

To Print an Individual Statement

Ensure you have opened a patient's record, and are viewing the Patient Explorer.

Then, either:


Press Ctrl + P

Select Reports > Print

The Print Report window appears.


Select Statement from the list of reports and click Next  (In a patient file, Statement will appear in the list of Account Reports).

Click Next  Ensure that the correct printer, tray and number of copies are selected, and then click Next again to print the report.

To Print a Statement Run

Ensure that you have no files open.

Then, either:


Press Ctrl + P

Select Reports > Print

The Print Report window appears.


Select Statement from the list of reports and click Next  The Print Statement window appears.


Select the Practitioners at each location that you would like to be included in the run, by checking the appropriate boxes. To easily select all Practitioners and locations, click

Select the classes of patient you would like to be included in the run, by checking the appropriate boxes. To easily select all classes, click

If you wish to isolate a particular alphabetical range of patients, enter those letters in the Alphabetical range fields.

Enter the date range for the run. The standard procedure is to leave the From field blank, and to backdate the To field by 30 days.

If you are aware that the statement run will be quite long, then enter a figure between 20 and 50 in the Batch size field.

Select Normal status only, Bad debts only or All from the Include accounts section.

From Bulk type, choose from One line per invoice, All invoice items and One page per patient. This option is activated when printing statements for debtors that have amounts outstanding for multiple patients. One line per invoice and All invoice items both will generate a single statement for the debtor, with each patient listed on that statement; All invoice items is more comprehensive, as it is fully itemised. One page per patient is the preferred option for statements involving Medico Legal, Workers Compensation and Third Party types of claims, as a separate statement is generated for each patient, with required details such as Claim No's, and so forth.

If the Exclude invoices outside date range box is selected, then a statement will not include any debts that were incurred by the debtor, outside the specified date range.

Click Next  Ensure that the correct printer, tray and number of copies are selected, and then click Next again to print the report.