EFTPOS, AMEX, Direct Debit and Diners Card receipts do not display in the Banking with the cash, cheques and credit vouchers. To settle these payments, open the Banking in the manner described above and then click on EFTPOS in the Margin Menu (below Bank Deposit).
Each of these payment types is settled separately. To settle your EFTPOS receipts, click on EFTPOS in the list of EFTPOS types.
Print a draft settlement, by clicking on the Draft print... button, to check that what you have entered in Bluechip matches what has gone through the EFTPOS machine.
Once you are satisfied that there are no errors, click the Settle... button. A window will pop up, asking you to enter a Settlement number. This number can be derived from the reconciliation that prints out of your EFTPOS machine.
Enter the settlement number and then click on OK to continue printing the settlement.
As with Bank deposits (cash, cheques, credit vouchers), there is no built-in time limit with these settlements. Most practices settle their EFTPOS payments either last thing in the day or first thing in the morning, depending on when the EFTPOS machine does its reconciliation. Settlement of Direct Debit payments may only need to be settled on a weekly or even monthly basis.