Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

Assessment > Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (from the Clinical Window)


The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression or HDRS (also known as the Ham-D) is the most widely-used clinician-administered depression assessment scale.  The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression tool is designed to allow you to record a HAMD-17 examination for depression for your patient. The questionnaire rates the severity of symptoms observed in depression such as low mood, insomnia, agitation, anxiety and weight loss.

The recording of the HAMD-17 examination for depression takes place via a questionnaire wizard where you indicate the responses to each question asked of the patient, and by observing the patient's symptoms.


Method for scoring varies by version. For the HDRS, a score of 0–7 is generally accepted to be within the normal range (or in clinical remission), while a score of 20 or higher (indicating at least moderate severity) is usually required for entry into a clinical trial.

The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression wizard provides you with a mechanism for recording a patient's indications of:

Depressed Mood, Feelings of Guilt



Work Activities



Anxiety (and Somatic Anxiety)

Somatic Symptoms

Genital Symptoms


Loss of Weight


It also provides a mechanism for viewing the patient's progress, graphed over time, as explained below.

Accessing the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression wizard

From within the Clinical Window, select Assessment > Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. The Welcome screen of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression appears.

If at this time you wish to view a patient's previous results, click Previous Results. You will be presented with a progress graph, an example of which can be seen below. To see the patient's responses to the survey for a specific day, select the day from those listed at the top of this window, and then click View


Click Next to continue. Page 1 of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression wizard appears.


Proceed through the questionnaire, providing feedback on your patient for each section. Each section must be responded to before you can proceed to the next. You can return to previous sections at any time by clicking Back

Upon completing the questionnaire, you will be presented with a 'score', and an explanation as to what this score indicates, an example of which is shown following. Please note that interpretation of the results is provided as a guide only, based on published guidelines from Furukawa et al 2007.

To print the assessment, click Print This Assessment.


Click Finish to save and exit the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression wizard.