Notice of Collection of Personal Information

Identity and contact details of entity collecting Personal Information

When you use this application, or if you contact us in relation to this application, Health Communication Network Limited trading as MedicalDirector (ABN 76 068 458 515) (“us”, “our”, or “we”) may collect information from or about you which is considered “Personal Information” under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

If you have any questions about this statement or your Personal Information, you can contact our Chief Medical Officer on (02) 9467 6119, or by writing to or Level 5, 477 Pitt Street, HAYMARKET  NSW 2000.


Circumstances of collection of Personal Information

MedicalDirector Automatic Update Service Improvement Program (SIP)

We will collect information about your use of the application through our SIP. The MedicalDirector Automatic Update program (which includes the SIP) is automatically installed on your computer when you install this application and may be updated when you update this application. The SIP does not collect your name, but the information collected by the SIP may in some circumstances be considered Personal Information.

The information that the SIP collects about your use of the application, includes but is not limited to:

practice ID;

computer operating system version;

SQL Server version;

 .Net version;

monitor screen resolution;

user access level;

patient count;

 internet browser type and version; and

widget id and version(s).


You can opt-out of providing the information listed above by:

right clicking on the MedicalDirector Automatic Update (MAU) icon in task tray icons on your desktop, and selecting “Service Improvement Program”; and

uncheck the checkbox in the pop-up screen and click “Ok”.


When you contact us about your use of the application

If you contact us in relation to your use of the application, we may collect Personal Information directly from you.


Purpose of collection of Personal Information

We collect information, which may include Personal Information, to enable us to:

deal with inquiries or complaints made by you;

analyse and improve the application and other applications offered by us;

check that your subscription is current;

offer you products and services that we believe may be of interest to you; and

other purposes related to the purposes above.


Consequences of us not collecting your Personal Information

If you do not provide Personal Information to us, we may not be able to do some or all of the things referred to in clause 3 above.

Other entities to which Personal Information is disclosed

The types of Personal Information described in this notice are not usually disclosed to any other person or entity.

Access to and correction of Personal Information that we hold about you

Our Privacy Policy which is available at contains information about how you can access and seek the correction of Personal Information that we hold about you.

Privacy Complaints

Our Privacy Policy which is available at contains information about how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or registered APP Code that applies to us, and how we will deal with your complaint.

Overseas disclosure of your Personal Information

It is not anticipated or likely that we will disclose any of your Personal Information to any overseas recipients.


Version 1.1

Date of Publication: 19 October 2015