Minimum Requirements
The NSW KPIs report is available in v1.4 of MedicalDirector Insights, which is bundled with Clinical /Pracsoft 3.17.1.
Download and install the 3.17.1 update here.
Viewing the Latest Report Data
When you access reports in Insights, you are viewing data from the current, active collection of your patient database, which isn't necessarily the latest data. It is recommended (but not essential) that you create a new collection before you access the NSW KPI reports. A schedule for creating a quarterly collection of data is also provided.
Scheduling Collections for the Report
For convenience, we have included a default schedule for the NSW KPI Quarterly Collection, available from the Collection menu.
This schedule runs at beginning of each quarter. For example, the collection for April 1 through June 30 is scheduled for July 1 at 00:00.
Accessing the Reports
To access the NSW KPIS reports, select and then select NSW KPIs from the list that appears.
Detailed information on reporting is available here.
Exporting Reports to Excel
Select and then select NSW KPIs.
The report opens.
Click You will be prompted to save the file. The file name will specify the report type, report date, and the date on which the export was made, for example: report NSWKPI on 20170627 created on 20170627.xlsx
3. Save the file. You will be returned to the report window. This concludes the steps necessary for exporting a report.