Backup and Recovery Plans

Maintenance and Recovery For Your System

Your surgery is responsible for protecting its own data files. If this process fails, your financial and clinical records will be lost.

The risk of data loss is always present. However data loss is not necessarily a disastrous experience if this is planned for. The strategy used to prevent data loss should given careful consideration to protect this occurrence.


Keep your computer and network in good working order.

Carry out regular software maintenance with updates and patches.

Perform regular backups and have a disaster recovery strategy.

Maintain Your Computers and Network

To maintain your computers and network, ensure you consider the following recommendations:

Your Computer Equipment must meet the minimum recommended level to operate satisfactory. Refer to System Requirements for MedicalDirector SQL-Based Products. Remove computers that have experienced errors from your network until they have been fixed. If the problem computer is required then have it fixed immediately as problem computers compromise the correct functioning of the network and the integrity of your data files.

Network equipment such as routers, especially wireless devices, must be setup and configured by a trained technician. Test and keep network cabling and switches in good order. Poor connections can cause errors in your system and are very difficult to trace. It is critical that your computers are connected using properly installed and certified cabling. If you are unsure of your wiring or are planning a replacement, including a wireless network, consult a specialist in this field.

MedicalDirector highly recommends the installation of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to prevent damage to your hardware and data files from power fluctuations. MedicalDirector also suggests power points to be installed or are available for the exclusive use of the compute rand peripheral equipment.

Install a virus checker and keep signature files current. Setup to auto upgrade if your software offers this facility.

For Internet connection, MedicalDirector recommends you install an Internet Firewall to protect your system unless this service is provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Only use operating systems designed for business environments. These operating systems have greater internal security for networks and users.

Keep up to date with operating system service packs and security fixes.

As your system is a business environment, MedicalDirector recommends you limit the installation and use of unnecessary software and use reputable hardware. 'Freeware' is software that may cause disruption to your business environment and MedicalDirector recommends limiting the use of such software as much as possible.

Ensure all users have sufficient permissions to perform required tasks.

Use reputable and appropriately qualified professional technicians; particularly if you plan to use Terminal Server or Citrix Metaframe. This cost is small compared to fixing incorrectly configured systems and networks.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Strategy

Backing up the data for your practice management and clinical software is one of the most important tasks that should be performed in a daily basis.

Most practices are aware of the need to secure their data but seldom check the integrity of the process by restoring the data to confirm that a successful backup has taken place. Computer systems are generally reliable but for most users the need to recover from a system failure will occur at some time. It is also important that you know how to retrieve data should the need arise.

Recommendations for Backup

Take a daily backup of all files that are important to the running of your practice. For example Clinical data, practice management data, document files, and financial records.

Keep separate backup media for each day of the week.

Take some backups off-site but keep them readily accessible should the need arise.

Periodically restore a backup to a temporary location to check the integrity of the backup process and to test the ability of your staff to perform this task.

Keep a permanent weekly, fortnightly, or monthly backup. This provides an historical record that could be used to restore your data.

A good backup strategy is business critical, therefore consult with your IT specialist to ensure that your strategy is correct for your situation.

Backup Cycle Example

Organise your backup strategy on weekly and monthly cycles. The weekly cycle will ensure you can call on your information as far back as three weeks and your monthly backup will allow you to call back you data as far back as 12 months. The cost of backup media can be insignificant compared to the cost of data loss or an extended recovery.

Daily - Backup every day Monday to Thursday (this should include Friday is the practice is open six days per week or Friday and Saturday if the practice is open seven days). Each day's media will be overwritten on the same day next week.

Weekly -Take a full backup at the end of the working week. This backup is executed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday depending on the days worked per week.

Ensure you have media for weeks two and three (and week four for five week months) as explained above. Each weekly medial will be overwritten on the same week next month.

The Last week of the month (week four or five) perform a monthly backup.

Monthly - Take a full backup of the last working day of the last week of the month. This may be a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday depending on the days worked. This end-of-month media should be labelled with the same of the month and securely store (preferably off-site).

The following backup cycle is for a five day working week and caters for a five day month. One extra media would be required for a six day week, an extra two for a seven day week.


Mon. Backup

Tues. Backup

Wed. Backup

Thurs. Backup

Fri. Backup

1st Week Backup


Mon. Backup

Tues. Backup

Wed. Backup

Thurs. Backup

Fri. Backup

2nd Week Backup


Mon. Backup

Tues. Backup

Wed. Backup

Thurs. Backup

Fri. Backup

3rd Week Backup


Mon. Backup

Tues. Backup

Wed. Backup

Thurs. Backup

Fri. Backup

4th Week Backup


Mon. Backup

Tues. Backup

Wed. Backup

Thurs. Backup

Fri. Backup

5th Week Backup becomes the...

Month 1 Backup







Month 2 - 12 Backup

Rotate backup media on Monday to Thursday (four media required).

Have four weekly media available (to accommodate five week months).

Have 12 monthly media.

20 media required for five day working week, 21 for a six day week, 22 for a seven day week.