Account Tab (Global Settings)

Setup > Global Settings


The Account tab of Global Settings allows you to manage the display of account information. Settings modified here will affect all users.

Items of interest on this window

Check Medicare Cheque Age When Receipting

This refers to the return to clients of individual Medicare cheques. If a cheque has not been cleared within 90 days of issue, Medicare Australia cancels the cheque and deposits the money directly into the surgery's bank account. This has created a problem for surgeries where cheques are presented late in this cycle, but the cancellation has been effected by Medicare Australia. If the cheque is then banked by the surgery, it incurs a dishonor fee.

To save your surgery this fee, Pracsoft alerts users that the presented cheque is close to the cancellation date. If you enable this option, then the No of days from Date of Service for warning must also be set.

No of Days From Date of Service for Warning

This value is required if the previous option is enabled. By default this is 85 days. You should reduce this if you bank infrequently.

Suppress Item Number printing on accounts

This prints a description only on private accounts which meet minimum requirements for Medicare claiming. Some Specialists use this to avoid Medicare Australia issues over intricate differences between various item numbers.

Audit Trail on Visit Deletion

Select this check box to perform an audit trail on your deleted visits.

Specify From Date for Arrears Report

Tick this box to specify a default 'From Date' for Arrears reports. When an Arrears report is selected, the option to specify 'No From Date' is available. The statement's 'From Date' defaults to that specified.

Default Arrears From Date

Specify a default start date for arrears reports.

Age (Days) of Oldest Unpaid Account To Flag Payer As Overdue

Pracsoft enables you to flag accounts owing, and to flag these accounts with one of two icons - a green dollar (for account owing) or red dollar (for accounts that have been owing for a long time).