Appointment Sessions

Within an Appointment Book, you can create a session plan in which appointments can be scheduled, for each practitioner.

For example, the image below shows an appointment book session plan. It indicates that on Monday, the practitioner has three sessions;

8:30 to 11:00,

11:30 to 2:00, and,

2:30 to 4:30.


However on Tuesday, they only have two sessions;

8:30 to 12:00 and

12:30 to 3:30.

There are a number of different session types, and it is important that you understand how each works, and how one type can affect another.


A standard session is the 'normal' session a practitioner is available to take appointments, as opposed to 'special' sessions, and days where the practitioner is absent.


Standard sessions can further be divided into two groups;


'Default' sessions - the default for the entire Appointment Book. Default sessions always override practitioner-specific sessions.

'Practitioner-specific' sessions - these are the sessions that each practitioner will be available to take appointments. Practitioner-specific sessions will always be overridden by 'default' sessions.


Special sessions (also referred to as temporary sessions) are practitioner-specific sessions, indicating the practitioner's availability for different sessions over a range of dates. Special sessions override standard sessions for the practitioner in question.


Although not a 'session' as such, you can indicate the days on which a specific practitioner will be absent.