Medicare Easyclaim Transaction Status

The following information describes the various Medicare Easyclaim Transaction states, and how to deal with them, where applicable. The status of Medicare Easyclaim Transactions is available within Pracsoft via Processing Online/Easyclaim Claiming View Menu Easyclaim Bulk Bill Claims Status Drop-down list.

Bulk Bill claims via Medicare Easyclaim are handled as single transactions, although displayed as a 'batch' within Pracsoft. This will be a change to the current process that Medicare Online claim users are familiar with.


The Medicare Easyclaim transaction has been transmitted to Medicare Australia and the Bulk Bill Integrated Reports have not yet been requested. The user will need to request Processing/Payment Reports at a later time.

Waiting Processing

The Bulk Bill Integrated report has been requested but is not yet available for the Medicare Easyclaim transaction. The Bulk Bill Integrated Report will need to be re-requested at a later date once Medicare Australia has finished processing the claim. The user will need to request Processing/Payment Reports at a later time.


The Bulk Bill Integrated report has been retrieved and exceptions were returned for the Medicare Easyclaim transaction in the report. Exceptions need to be resolved (i.e. accepted or resubmitted) before continuing. This requires 'Resolve Exceptions' processing.


The Bulk Bill Integrated report has been retrieved for the Medicare Easyclaim transaction and either no exceptions have been reported or all exceptions have been resolved. The user will need to request Processing/Payment Reports at a later time.


The Medicare Easyclaim transaction has been processed and the Payment details have been extracted from the Bulk Bill Integrated report. Medicare Australia has paid a Benefit for this claim. The user will need to request Processing/Payment Reports at a later time.

Receipted Off

 The Payment details have been processed for the Medicare Easyclaim transaction and the total Claim Benefit Paid is equal to the total Benefit Assigned as recorded in Pracsoft. A receipt has been generated for the claim.

No Benefit Payable

The Medicare Easyclaim transaction has been processed and the Payment details have been extracted from the Bulk Bill Integrated report. Medicare Australia has not paid a Benefit for this claim. This requires 'Resolve Exceptions' processing.


The user has resubmitted the Medicare Easyclaim transaction to be reprocessed.

A Note About Pending Transactions

If a transaction/claim does not have a report available from Medicare Australia after 48 hours, Pracsoft presents you with the following message.

At this point you can;

Contact Medicare Australia to enquire about the status, and/or

Examine the details of the transaction/claim by selecting View > Pending Transactions Log

Please note that MedicalDirector Customer Service cannot assist you with the status of such transactions/claim; you must contact Medicare Australia for assistance.