Online Claiming Tab (Global Settings)

Setup > Global Settings


The Online Claiming tab of Global Settings allows you to manage the display of Medicare Australia information. Settings modified here will affect all users.

Items of interest on this window

Use Online Claiming

Enables Medicare Australia Online Claiming for your surgery.

Max Vouchers

Medicare Australia allows batch sizes of up to 80 vouchers in a claim. MedicalDirector Pracsoft allows you to specify between 1 and 80 vouchers per claim. When batching, MedicalDirector Pracsoft splits claims at the maximum you set.

Single Claim Receipting

Allows you to receipt off single claims.

Auto-Claim No. Generation

Allows you to setup Pracsoft to automatically generate claim numbers.

Allows you to separate Claim sequences for DVA claims and Medicare claims. Without this option enabled the default is set to use the same sequence number/letter for both Medicare and DVA claims.