MedicalDirector Contact Information

Customer Feedback Platform

The MedicalDirector Customer Feedback Platform is a place to request features and share ideas to help shape your MedicalDirector software.


Registering to Gain Access

To register for MedicalDirector’s Customer Feedback Platform, visit and fill in your details. Please note, registration is available to MedicalDirector customers only. Our verifications team will review your request, and you will then receive an email invitation to join the platform, including additional instructions. Please allow 1-2 business days for your registration to be processed. If you have already received an invitation to join the platform, this step will not be necessary.

Feature Request Form


Logging In

To log in, visit and click ‘Sign In’ in the top right corner of your screen. Type in the email address you have provided to MedicalDirector, and click ‘Sign In’. Please note, email verification may be required.

Feature Request Form


Searching for a Feature

To search for a feature, simply start typing your chosen keywords in the search box on screen. Search results will auto-populate as you type.

Feature Request Form


Voting on a Feature

Voting is a great way to endorse a feature and indicate that it would be useful in your practice. To vote, simply click the red ‘Vote’ button next to the ideas you like. You can vote on as many ideas as you like, but each user can only vote on each idea once. Once you have voted on an idea, this button will turn blue to indicate you have ‘Voted’.


Commenting on a Feature

Commenting is a great way add context to a feature, or contribute further information that you think may be helpful. To comment, simply click on the idea, and use the comment box to add details you feel may be relevant. To submit, click the red ‘Post comment’ button.


Requesting a Feature

To request a new feature, navigate back to the main MedicalDirector Helix or Clinical, Pracsoft and Bluechip page and first search for the feature using the steps above. If the feature doesn’t yet exist, click the red ‘Post idea’ button.


Next, edit the title and description of your idea and click the red ‘Post idea’ button to submit.


Viewing Features You Have Requested

To view features you have requested, navigate back to the main MedicalDirector Helix or Clinical, Pracsoft and Bluechip page and click ‘My feedback’ from the blue categories on the left of the screen. Here, you will be able to see idea you have requested, voted or commented on, and keep up-to-date on their status.

Feature Request Form


Browsing Features by Status

To browse features by their status, navigate back to the main MedicalDirector Helix or Clinical, Pracsoft and Bluechip page and click ‘Status’ on the right. Next, select the status that you would like to browse. Features will be marked as:

  • Being considered
  • Researching
  • Planned/prioritised
  • Designed
  • Scoped
  • In development
  • In the next release
  • Not planned
  • Completed

Feature Request Form

Sales and Account Management

See MedicalDirector Contact Information

Pharmaceutical Database Management

See MedicalDirector Contact Information