Deleting Submitted Online Claims

All online claims sent to Medicare via Bluechip can be deleted via the Medicare Australia window within the Practice Explorer:

Bulk Bill claims via Medicare Online

Patient Claims via Medicare Online


IMC claims via ECLIPSE

Bulk Bill claims via Easyclaims

Patient Claims via Easyclaims


Patient Claims: These claims have a 'same day delete' feature where the claim is deleted at Medicare if the deletion in Bluechip is made within 24-hrs of claim's submission.

Bulk Bill claims via Easyclaims: These claims have a 48-hour restriction before they can be deleted from Bluechip.

Bulk Bill claims via Medicare Online, and DVA claims: Be aware that deleting a claim in this instance will delete the entire batch of claims, at which time you would then have to manually adjust/reverse all the related invoices accordingly. Therefore, for such claims it is advisable to wait until Medicare finish processing the entire batch of claims before you deal with any individual claims from the batch that may have failed processing.

Important Note: If you delete a claim after midnight, it may still be processed by Medicare, and you may still receive payment for it. It is advisable you confirm the status of the claim with Medicare before manually deleting a claim from within Bluechip.

Before you Begin

To delete a claim that has already been sent to Medicare, you must ensure you have 'Electronic Claims Deletion' permission, which is set via BC Secure. Note also that if you assign a user the 'Practice Manager' set of permissions, they receive  'Electronic Claims Deletion' permission automatically.

Note that when you delete a claim, you will be prompted to provide a reason for doing so. You may select from one of the supplied reasons, or type your own into the form provided. The reason you provide will appear in the Deleted Claims Audit Trail Report.

Claim Status

A claim that has been deleted via either of the aforementioned methods shall have a Claim Status of 'Finalised(Deleted)', as shown in the examples below.

The Medicare Australia window showing Finalised(Deleted) claims.


An Easyclaim Bulk Bill example showing Finalised(Deleted) claims.

Manual Receipting vs Deleting

In order to decide whether to delete a claim or to manually receipt it, perform the following preliminary checks:

Check with Medicare as to whether the claim has been processed and paid for, or it is at an unresolved status.

Check the bank account for a payment made for that claim.

Try clicking on the Medicare Australia window to retrieve the processing and payment reports for that claim.


Manually Receipting a Claim

It is advisable that you manually receipt a claim under these circumstances:

When there is a payment made by Medicare towards the claim, but for some reason the processing and payment reports have not been returned.

When Medicare makes a payment by payment types other than direct debit (for example cheque).


Deleting a Claim

It is only advisable to delete a claim from Bluechip under these circumstances:

When Medicare fails to recognise the claim sent via Bluechip.

Medicare has not paid for the claim, and has not returned processing and payment reports.

Please Note : Manual receipting is only available for ECLIPSE-IMC and Bulk Bill via Easyclaims.

Medicare Reports

You will not be able to receive any reports from Medicare for claims that have been deleted.

Resubmitting Deleted Claims

After deleting a claim, you may resubmit any unpaid invoices as a new claim without having to adjust /reverse the invoice. Paid invoices cannot be resubmitted - you must issue a new invoice in such cases. Please note that invoices claimed via Easyclaims Bulk Bill cannot be resubmitted without adjusting the invoice.  

Audit Trail Report

You can print a Deleted Claims Audit Trail report.