Field Codes

A Field Code is a place holder for information. When a field code is used in a template, and a document based on that template is then printed, the field code is replaced by the actual data it represents. For example, if a Letterhead template contains the [Date] field code, when a letter based on the template is printed, the [Date] code is replaced by the actual date at the time of printing.

Bluechip recognises a variety of field codes. Although some of these codes can be used in more than one template (like the [Date] field, for example), generally, field codes will only work with the type of template they were designed for.

To determine which Field Codes are available to the type of template you are working on, use the links below.

If you cannot find a particular field you require, contact MedicalDirector Customer Service for assistance - some fields may have been added recently, but have not found their way into this reference yet. Also, you can request that new fields be added.