This topic assumes you have already configured Bluechip for using Day Surgery.
The process described below includes a step for creating a new folder on your computer. Ensure you know how to do this, and that you have authority to do so. Please consult your Systems Administrator if you require assistance with this.
You will require the 'Day Surgery IHC Extractor' file, provided by MedicalDirector.
In Hospital claim generation in Bluechip requires that a related Day Surgery Episode be created. Before this can occur, a link between Bluechip and Day Surgery must be established, through which the Episode data will be extracted from Day Surgery.
Before setting the link in Bluechip for extracting the data, you must create an ‘Output’ folder in your DS (Day Surgery) folder. This folder is where the episode extract is stored. Also, the Day Surgery Extractor (DS IHC) provided by MedicalDirector must be placed in the DS (Day Surgery) folder, and the paths for Episodes, Data, and Output must be configured.
Step 1: Preparing the Day Surgery Extractor, and Episode Paths in Windows.
Locate your Day Surgery program folder. By default, this is located at C:\DS.
Within the DS folder, create a new folder called ‘Output’.
Grab the DSIHC (Day Surgery IHC extractor) file provided by MedicalDirector, and drop it into the DS folder.
Double-click the DSIHC file. The DS File locations window appears.
Locate the Episodes text box, and click its associated button. The Browse window appears.
Locate and select the DS Episodes file in your DS folder.
Click You are returned to the DS File Locations window.
Select also the paths for both the Data and Output folders.
Click to save.
Step 2: Configuring Day Surgery within Bluechip
Within Bluechip, select Setup > Practice > Links > Day Surgery. The Day Surgery Setup window appears.
Tick the Enable IHC Extract checkbox.
Locate the Day Surgery IHC Output Folder path, and click The Browse for Folder window appears. The Output folder you created earlier should be selected automatically. If it is not, locate and select it now.
Click OK The link to your Output folder now appears within the Day Surgery IHC Output Folder path, as shown in the example below.
Click OK on the Day Surgery Setup window to save these settings. This concludes the steps necessary for configuring Day Surgery for IHC.