Easy-on PC Spirometer

Configuring the Device

Ensure you are using a compatible Easy-on PC device and that it is connected to your computer.

Create a GDT folder on the root of the Easy-on PC install drive, for example X:\GDT (where 'X' is the drive your Easy-on PC software is installed).

Setup the Easy on-PC software to use the connected device. To do this:

a) Run the Easy on-PC software.
b) Select Utilities > Configuration > Device tab.
c) Select the correct COM Port and click the Auto Detect button.
d) Ensure Status fields are complete.

Configure Easy on-PC to use GDT connection:

a) Click EMR tab.
b) Configure as follows:
      i) Selected EMR System – GDT
      ii) GDT settings –

           GDT folder: Easy on-PC install drive + GDT (Browse to folder created in Step 2. above.)
           GDT ID: MD
           Tick - Export each measurement parameter separately.
           Tick - Close application when done
           Tick - Attach Report and select PDF

c) Click OK to confirm.

Exit the Easy on-PC software.

Performing a Test in Clinical

Select Tools > Tool Box > Respiratory Function from the patient's record. The Respiratory tab appears.


Click to use the Easy-On PC Spirometer device to record values.

Click The Available Spirometer Machines window is displayed if more than one device is installed. Select the device you wish to use from this window.

The Easy-on PC software window appears.

The Edit Patient Data window appears. Ensure that this is the correct patient record you wish to work with. If not begin the process again. If the patient record is correct, click the Perform Test button. Easy-On PC spirometer reports of tests created via the Clinical Tool Box can be accessed via the View button. These PDFs are also accessible via the Correspondence tab in the patient's record.

Device Support