Finding and Replacing Text

Fnd: Ctrl + F

Replace: Ctrl + H

Find: Edit > Find

Replace: Edit > Replace

To Find Specific Text in a Letter



Select Edit > Find

Press CTRL + F


The Find window appears.


Type the text you wish to locate in the Find What text box.

If you wish to conduct a case-sensitive search, tick the Match Case checkbox.


Select a direction (from the insert point in your document) in which you wish to start the search.

Click to start the search. The search commences, and if the text is found it is highlighted in the letter.

To continue searching through the letter, click again.

To Search for and Replace Text


Select Edit > Replace

Press CTRL + H


The Replace window appears.

Type the text you wish to locate and replace in the Find What text box.

Type the text to replace it with in the Replace With text box.

(Optional) If the text to be located and replaced is case insensitive, ensure the Match Case check box is selected.

Click to start the search. The search commences, and if the text is found it is highlighted in the letter.

When matching text is located, you can;

Click to skip the word and continue searching,

Click to replace the selected text and continue searching, or

Click to replace all instances to the text without prompting you for confirmation.