Managing Parity

Viewing Parity Details

Select the Obstetric tab in the patient's Clinical Window.


Click  The Parity window appears.


Enter data as appropriate to generate the correct Gravida number, for your records.

Gravida indicates the number of times the patient has been pregnant (including the current pregnancy), regardless of whether these pregnancies were carried to term.

Para indicates the number of >20 weeks births (including stillbirths). Pregnancies consisting of multiples, such as twins or triplets, count as one birth.

Mis (Miscarriages) is the number of pregnancies that were lost for any reason, excluding stillbirths.

TOP (Termination of Pregnancy) indicates the number of induced abortions.


Click Save to confirm.

How Parity is Calculated - An Example

You record a new pregnancy for patient X. They inform you it is their first pregnancy. After recording the new pregnancy, the Parity window appears as follows.

Patient has been pregnant 1 time.


The patient miscarriages. You record the end of their pregnancy as such. The Parity window updates accordingly.

Patient has been pregnant 1 time  and has had 1 miscarriage.


The patient informs you she is pregnant again. You record the second pregnancy. The Parity windows updates accordingly.

Patient has been pregnant 2 times  and has had 1 miscarriage.


On her next visit the patient informs you of a previous termination of pregnancy. To record this, you must manually modify data within the Parity window:

    1. Click to open the Parity window.

    2. Within the Parity window increase the TOP value by 1, to indicate the termination.]

    3. You must then also increase the Gravida value by 1, to indicate the overall number of pregnancies for this patient.

      Patient has been pregnant 3 times  and has had 1 miscarriage and 1 termination.


The patient's current pregnancy then ends successfully. You record the ending. The Parity window automatically increases the Para value by 1.