Patient Photographic Identification

Patient > Photos...(via the Clinical Window)


Clinical allows you to display patient photographs to assist you in identifying your patients, ensuring that you have opened the correct patient record. This ability to embed patient photos is also handy, as a patient photograph must be attached or printed onto a medication chart by law; prior to Medical Director 3.7 a blank space was left in the top left-hand corner of Nursing Home Medication Charts so that a patient photograph could be attached manually to the printed document.

Once a photograph is stored within the patient's record, it can be printed onto Drug Sheets. By printing patient photographs directly onto drug sheets, you do not have to manage photographs separately from the patient's record. In addition, the photograph is more secure; it cannot become accidentally unattached from the chart, the photograph cannot be swapped for someone else's photograph, and the wrong photograph cannot be accidentally attached to the chart.

If you do not have a photo for your patient, the photo space at the top-right of the Clinical Window will be filled with a generic patient silhouette accompanied by the text 'No Photo'.

If an existing patient photo cannot be loaded, the photo space at the top-right of the Clinical Window will be filled with a generic patient silhouette and the text 'Photo Unavailable'. This will occur if the photo file is damaged or if you have downloaded patient records via MD Mobility and chosen not to include documents. Note also that if the Document System is not available, no Patient Photo Functionality will be available.

If a Patient Photo exists, it will be printed on the following Drug Sheets (provided the option to do so is enabled):

Drug Sheet

Blank Drug Sheet

Long Term Drug Sheet

Nursing Home Medication Chart

Patient Drug Sheet


To enlarge the patient photo, either:

Right-click the portrait at the top-right of the Clinical Window and select Enlarge, or

Select Patient > Photos > Enlarge

Patient Photographs are stored using ManageEzy, the same system that is used to manage Documents, Patient Education Leaflets and similar.

To be able to use Patient Photograph functionality in Clinical, each user must have read/write access to the ManageEzy database. Please consult your Systems Administrator if you require assistance with this.