Recall Searches

Search > Recall (via the front screen)


A Recall is a patient's reminder notice to inform the patient that they are due to return to the Practice (usually so that some clinical procedure can be performed).

The Search Recalls module allows you to;

Determine which patients are to be recalled i.e. those with current Recalls.

Indicate that the results should include completed and/or deleted Recalls.

Determine which patients you have already attempted to contact regarding their Recall(s).

Record notes against Recalls. See Recall Actions for more information about these notes.

Save your favourite Recall notification search lists.

Print labels or conduct a mail merge for contacting patients.

Send e-mail Recall notifications.

Send SMS Recall notifications.

Mark recalls as being completed, and optionally update recurring recalls.

Conducting a Search for Recalls

From the Clinical main screen, select Search > Recall.

MedicalDirector Clinical's list of Recalls opens, and you are automatically prompted to select criteria for conducting a search of upcoming recalls, using the Recall Search Criteria window. See the table below for information on key features of this window.

Show only reasons from active recalls

Tick this check box to filter the Recall Reasons list to display only reasons associated with active recalls. An 'active' recall is one that is neither completed, nor deleted.

Note that enabling this check box has no impact on the search results themselves, but is provided here only for the convenience of filtering the selection list.

Attempted to contact patient at least...

When recording an Action against a Recall, you can indicate that the Action was an attempt to contact the patient about their Recall. You can instruct the Recall search module to show only those Recalls where [x] attempts to contact the patient have been made.

Only show patients that have attended...

For use at sites that run MedicalDirector Pracsoft in conjunction with Clinical.

MedicalDirector Pracsoft provides a facility for indicating that a patient is returning to your practice in response to a specific Recall. By ticking this associated check box, you can instruct the Recall search module to show only those patients that have been flagged in this way.

Date Range

Allows you to specify when the recalls are due. Note that this date is not when the Recalls were created.

Saved Searches

Your search criteria can be saved. See Saving Recall Searches for more information.

Include Inactive Patients

Allows you to search for patients flagged as inactive.


Enter the criteria you wish to search for. Click when you are ready to conduct the search.

The Search Recalls list becomes populated with your search results. Consult the table below for features of this window.


Upper Section

The upper section of this widow displays all the Recalls that match your search criteria.

  • Black entries are active (current) Recalls

  • Grey entries are deleted Recalls

Select All / Select None

A toggle button for selecting all records, or none.


Click to call the search criteria window.

Search > Save Current Search Criteria

Allows you to save the criteria used to conduct the search. You will be prompted to name the search. Afterwards, this search will be available from the 'Saved Searches' section of the Recall Search Criteria window. See Saving Recall Searches for more information.




Refreshes the window with the latest data.

Add Recall

Select a patient from the list of search results, and then click this button to record a new Recall for the patient.

Add Recall > Delete Recall

Deletes the selected Recall.

Open Patient

Opens the record of the selected patient.


Allows you to export the list of search results.


Mail Merge

Allows you to bulk-print a letter for the selected records. See also Labels.

After conducting a mail merge, you will be prompted to update (complete) the recalls.


Mail Merge > Print Labels

Allows you to bulk-print address labels for the selected records. See also Labels.

Print List

Prints the list of selected recalls to the printer you have selected as your Letter Writer printer. After printing the list, you will be prompted to update (complete) the recalls.

Print List > Print List To

Print the list of selected recalls (allows you to select a printer first). After printing the list, you will be prompted to update (complete) the recalls.


Allows you to update (mark as 'complete) any selected recalls. See Completing (Updating) Recalls.

Send SMS

Allows you to send an SMS reminder to the selected patients, regarding their selected Recalls i.e. if a given patient has three Recalls upcoming, they will receive three SMS messages - one for each Recall. SMS messages sent from the Search Recalls window will use the 'Recall' SMS template.

After sending an SMS, you will be prompted to update (complete) the recalls.

Clear Filters

Clears all filters you have applied to the search results. If you wish to clear an individual filter, click the Remove Filter button, located within each filter window (accessed by clicking ).

Reset Window Settings

Resets the layout of this window to its defaults.

Lower Section

The lower section (known as the Actions Pane) is split into two panels;

  • The lower left-hand panel lists all the Actions taken upon the Recall selected in the upper section. In the example above we have selected a Recall for Carolina Schein in the upper section, and in the Actions Pane we can see the three Actions that have been performed against that particular Recall.

  • The lower right-hand panel (known as the Details Panel) displays the basic demographics of the selected patient.

Action Taken

Displays the type of Action recorded against the Recall selected in the search results.

Date Performed

The date on which the associated Action was recorded.

Performed By

The user that recorded the associated Action.

Contact Attempt

Whether the selected action was an attempt to contact the patient.


Any comments recorded against the Action performed. Comments can be made about a Recall Action at the time you add one.

Date Deleted

The date on which a given Action was deleted.

Deleted By

The user that deleted the Action.


Prints the Actions performed against a selected Recall to the printer you have selected as your Letter Writer printer.

Print > Print To...

Prints the Actions performed against a selected Recall. Allows you to select the printer to print to.


Allows you to record a new Recall Action for the selected Recall.


Allows you to edit a selected Action.


Deletes the selected Action.

Show Deleted / Hide Deleted

A toggle to show/hide deleted actions.

Hide Actions Pane

A toggle button for hiding/showing the Actions Pane. This button is only available if the lower half of this window is visible. See 'Hide Details' in this table for more information.

Hide Details Panel

A toggle button for hiding/showing the Details Panel located in the right-hand section of the Actions Pane.


Closes the Search Recalls module