Saving Templates

Ctrl + S

To Save the Current Template: File > Save (via Letter Writer)

To Save as a New Template: File > Save as Template (via Letter Writer)

The routine for and results of saving a Letter Writer Template differ slightly depending on how the template was created, as explained following.

Option 1 - If you had begun a new letter from a blank document, and decided that you wanted to save it as a template, you would select File > Save as Template. You would be prompted to name it and save it to your list of templates.


Option 2 - If you had begun the new template, by selecting File > New, and selecting Blank Template as the basis, you could either;

Select File > Save

Press Ctrl + S


Letter Writer detects that you were working on a template to begin with, and prompts you to name it and save it to your list of templates.


Option 3 - If you had begun the new template, by selecting File > Modify Template, and then selected an existing, User Defined template as the basis, you could either;

Select File > Save, or

Press Ctrl+S

This would save the existing template, replacing the old one. You would not be prompted for a new file name.


Option 4 - If you had begun the new template, by selecting File > Modify Template, and then selected an existing template (other than a User Defined) as the basis, you could either;

Select File > Save, or

Press Ctrl+S

This would save the template to the User Defined list of templates, with the same name.


Select a 'User Access' option:

All Users - These templates are available to everyone on your network. The icon in the template list is marked with the word ALL, in blue text, as seen in the image above.

Current User - These templates are available only to the user who created them. The icon in the template list is marked with the word USER, in violet.