Sex at Birth definitions in Clinical, and how they affect the availability of, or presentation of, different content to patients, are not necessarily representative of those supported by third-parties.
It is important that you record the patient's sex at birth, as failing to do so may limit the scope of functionality available to that patient, such as the Obstetric tab and the Cervical Cytology Request window, which are available only to female or gender-neutral patients. Furthermore, some patient prompts will not appear (cervical screening reminders, for example), drug interaction checking for pregnant patients will not be active, and conducting searches for patients where the criteria includes sex at birth will not return all the patients in question.
Basic Sex at Birth Options
Clinical provides the following sex at birth options to select from:
Not Stated
There are a number of locations in Clinical where a patient's sex at birth is displayed. Where room permits, the full description is shown. Otherwise, the following abbreviations are used:
N - Not Stated
M - Male
F - Female
X - Intersex/Other
Transgender Patients
You can also specify that the patient is transgender, to indicate that if the patient has had or is undergoing transgender procedures. A patient who was born 'male', who is currently undergoing transgender procedures, would be recorded as 'Female Transgender'.
How Sex at Birth Determines Clinical Scope
A patient's sex at birth definition determines the scope of content available to them within Clinical;
Male patients have access to shared features, as well as features exclusive to male patients.
Female patients have access to shared features, as well as features exclusive to female patients.
Gender-neutral patients have access to all content. A gender-neutral patient is one whose sex at birth is defined as either 'Not Stated', 'Transgender Male', 'Transgender Female', or 'Intersex/Other'.