Pt Details Tab

Basic Demographics

First Name, Surname, full Residential Address, and Date of Birth are required. Optionally enter a Middle Name. A postal address can also be entered and set as the preferred mailing address.

For patients who are known by a single name (as opposed to 'First-name and Surname', tick the Single Name check box. The Surname field changes to display "Name". Enter their name into this field. Note that the First Name and Middle Name fields will be disabled.

The patient's address, phone number(s) and e-mail address are used when creating Mail Merge letters.

If Home phone is selected as the default, both plain and pre-printed request forms (Pathology, Imaging and Cytology) will print Home and Work numbers respectively in Home and Work Phone number sections on such forms.

If Work phone is selected as the default, both plain and pre-printed request forms (Pathology, Imaging and Cytology) will print Mobile and Work numbers respectively in Home and Work Phone number sections on such forms.

If Mobile phone is selected as the default, both plain and pre-printed request forms (Pathology, Imaging and Cytology) will print Mobile and Work numbers respectively in Home and Work Phone number sections on such forms.

The patient's date of birth is used in providing feedback for such things as childhood immunisations, preventive health prompts and cervical screening.

If not specified, a new patient's sex at birth is determined automatically, depending on the Title you select for them, and is limited to male/female options. You can specify a sex at birth manually by selecting an option from the Sex at Birth drop-down menu on the Pt Details tab of a patient's demographics. See Sex at Birth for more information about how this impacts on the features available to patients.

Head of Family

 You can set one patient as the Head of Family


A patient's ATSI status may affect the age requirements for childhood immunisation, Influenza vaccination reminder and Pneumococcal Disease vaccination reminder. Note also that a patient's ATSI status also appears within the ATSI label at the top-right of the Clinical Window.


Indicate whether this patient is eligible for the PBS 'Close the Gap' assistance. The PBS Close the Gap Co-payment measure has been developed to provide assistance to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to improve access to PBS medicines through co-payment relief. Practices wanting to participate in the PBS co-payment measure must register by completing the PIP Indigenous Health Incentive form. Contact the Department of Health and Ageing for information.


Indicate the patient's ethnicity. Note that you can also indicate the patient's country of birth.

Medicare Number/Expiry

It is recommended that a Medicare number be entered if known; enter the complete number in the first box and the patient's family position in the second. Enter the expiry date using the format MM/YYYY.

Pension Status


The Pension Status section determines whether the patient's scripts are to be marked as PBS or RPBS, with the following options:

If you wish the Pension number or DVA number to appear on the top of prescriptions, you must enter it into the 'Pension No' or 'DVA No' fields.

Safety Net Number

If a patient or their family have spent in excess of a pre-set amount on PBS or RPBS medications within a calendar year, they are allocated a Safety Net number, which differs from their pension or DVA numbers. This entitles them to free PBS medications for the remainder of the year. When a patient has a Safety Net number entered, any PBS scripts for that patient will have the Safety Net number printed on them. In January each year all Safety Net numbers are deleted automatically.

Record Number

Enter here the patient's file number as recorded in your manual filing system. Up to ten characters can be entered, with at least one number included. The number does not have to be unique, as some filing systems store all patient's charts for a family under the same number. Patient records can be found by searching on this record number. Note that Clinical generates its own internal (hidden) unique identifier for each patient record and does not use the Record Number field to keep track of patient records.


This field stores the patient's Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) number, which is generated and entered automatically upon saving a patient's record. An IHI number may only be retrieved for patients who have a Medicare or a DVA number recorded. You cannot manually enter an IHI number.

Click the Validate button for live validation if required. This may be necessary if you change the patient's demographic information.

Click the IHI History button to view a record of the patient's IHI status history.

See Healthcare Identifiers Service for more information.

IHI Record Status

Indicates the status of the record in the HI Service of an individual healthcare recipient. The IHI record status may be Provisional, Unverified or Verified.

See Healthcare Identifiers Service for more information.

IHI No. Status

The  Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) number status may be Active, Deceased, Retired, Expired or Resolved

 See Healthcare Identifiers Service for more information.

Regular Practitioner

If the patient has a regular practitioner, specify them here.

Access Restriction

Indicate who may have access to the patient's record. You can select from:

  • No restriction

  • User with Restricted Access Permission only. Restricted Access Permission is granted to users via the User Database.

  • Regular Practitioner Only. You must indicate which practitioner is the patient's regular practitioner.

    Please note: In a case where the Regular Practitioner is not available, an Emergency Patient Access Password can be created via Location Management.

MyHealthRecord Consent

If required, indicate your patient's withdrawal of consent to upload their clinical documents to My Health Record. Note that this refers only to clinical documents, and not medications. Patients can still grant/withdraw consent to upload medications via the Enter Dose widow whilst you are creating a prescription.

PHN Consent

Allows this patient to opt-out of PIP QI data collection and all future PHN initiatives relating to PI QI and other PHN quality improvement measures.

OneNil Consent

Allows this patient to opt-out of OneNil data collection.

Do Not Send SMS

Indicate that the patient wishes to opt-out of receiving SMS notifications from the Practice.

Update Address for All Family Members

Update the address details for other family members, with the details of the current patient. Clinical uses the Head of Family setting to determine which patients are members of the same family. This option is only available when editing Patient Details from the Clinical Window.

Auto-Capitalise Names

Tick the Auto-Capitalise Names check box to automatically capitalise the first letter of each word you type. There are numerous windows throughout MedicalDirector Clinical that offer this functionality, including the various Options tabs.