Shift + F6
This topic assumes;
You have a basic understanding how to use the Appointment Book.
The Appointment Book is currently open.
You have created an appointment for the patient
This topic does not cover editing the appointment itself.
Adding Patients via the Appointment Book
Within the Appointment Book, locate an click within an appointment slot.
Enter the name of the new patient (Surname, First Name).
Tab or Enter.
The Select Patient window
The Create
New Patient window appears. See the table below
for information about this window.
The new patient record is
saved into Pracsoft, and the new appointment is scheduled
for them.
Editing Patients via the Appointment Book
Within the Appointment Book, locate and right-click the patient's entry.
the menu that appears, select Edit
Patient Record. Alternatively you can press SHIFT + F6. The Edit
Patient Record window appears.
the record as desired, clicking when complete.
For information on the data you can save to this window,
see the table below.
Items of interest on this window Note that more-detailed information about recording patient data is available from the topic 'Editing Patient Records via Pracsoft'. |
Menu Selection |
Click one of the menu links to jump to that section within the Edit Patient Record window.
Some sections can be Expanded/Collapsed via the associated links.
Patient Status |
Active: A person who is/will be receiving medical services at your Practice.
Visiting: A patient who is receiving medical services at your Practice. but only for a short term. For example, a patient who is not local but requires medical treatment. You might use this for an international patient on an extended visa stay, or a patient who is a visitor/tourist in your locality.
Inactive: Mark a patient as inactive when you believe they are no longer actively visiting the Practice. Inactive patients will not appear in normal searches, but can be included in the results of an Advanced Search if you desire. |
Sex at Birth |
When recording your patient’s sex at birth, the options to select from include 'Not stated', ‘Male’, ‘Female’, and ‘Intersex/Other’. Also, you can indicate whether the patient is transgender. Note that if you select the 'Intersex/Other' option, you must also indicate the patient's gender as recorded on their Medicare card. This is recorded via the 'Medicare Gender' field*. However, if you have recorded the patient's sex at birth as 'Male' or 'Female', you need not indicate the Medicare Gender, as this will be detected and selected for you automatically. |
Referrals |
Manage a patient's referrals. Note that any referrals displayed in the window are associated with the current Appointment Book only - any changes you make here are not carried over to other Appointment Books. |
Next of Kin and Emergency Contact |
To indicate the patient's Next of Kin and/or
Emergency Contact, click the associated