Before you can bill for In Hospital Claiming, all Day Surgery Service Items must be assigned the appropriate service type required for creating invoices and claim submission, with the following caveats;
Each Service Item you wish to bill for IHC needs to be configured with a service type.
The 'Procedure Type’ applies to MBS, MBS Case Payment, DVA Case Payment, Accommodation, Prosthesis, and Miscellaneous items.
'Theatre Band' setting is mandatory for 'MBS' service types. The process of configuring each service item needs to be performed only once. This can be done by either;
Clicking to update all the properties of the items in the Service Item List.
Updating each item in the Service Item list individually.
Method A: Click
to Update the Properties for all the Items in the Service Item List.
Bluechip provides a master list which contains the standard MBS, Prosthesis, and Miscellaneous items, with appropriate associated properties. This list can be used to update the Service Item list of the practice in Bluechip. Any custom items, including case payments, need to be updated by the practice.
Only MBS, Prosthesis, and Miscellaneous service items can be updated using the master list provided by Bluechip
Select Setup > Lists > Service Items. The Service Items List window appears.
Select the service item list you wish to update. In the example above, we have selected DS MBP.
Click The Fee Import window appears.
Click The Select Fee File window appears. Locate and select the master file (e.g. Service Item import).
Click The Fee Import window appears.
(optional) Bluechip provides a mechanism for quickly and easily updating multiple fee lists simultaneously, by importing an updated fee list, and applying its Service Type, Theatre Band, and Procedure Type data to multiple lists. If you wish to do this;
Tick the Apply to More Fee Lists check box. The Fee Import window expands to reveal all the Fees Lists available to you.
Tick one or more fees lists to add the imported fees to. The list you selected at Step 1 is selected by default.
Click and the import process begins. The Fee Import window shows all the items that are updated with the properties for multiple service item lists.
Service items in the practice service items list (e.g. DS MBP) that match with service items in the master list (e.g. Service Item import) are updated. Service items that do not match with Service items in master list are not updated.
You can the view updated service items by accessing the Service Item List.
Select Reports > BC Reporter.
Login with your username and password. The Bluechip Custom Reporter appears.
Select Services, the IHC Service Item List, and then the Input tab, as shown in the example below.
The exact name of the practice service item list( e.g. DS MBP) must be entered in the Value field.
Select the Output tab.
The Selected Fields section should have all the fields (ITEM, Service Type, Theatre Band, Procedure Type).
Click Microsoft Excel will attempt to open the report, and you will be prompted that the file you are trying to open appears to be in a different format to what Excel expected. Ignore this prompt by clicking Yes.
Only MBS, prosthesis and miscellaneous service items can be updated using the Master File, provided these items are present in the practice service item list.
You can now view the report, and update any custom service items (e.g. ACC1, 30473C) with missing properties (blanks/none).
Once any custom service items with missing properties are updated, save the file with the format of .csv...
...and then re-import it to update all the service items with missing properties (by following the same steps outlined above).
Method B: Update each item in the Service Item list individually.
Select Setup > Lists > Service Items. The Service Items List window appears.
Select the service item list you wish to update. In the example above, we have selected DS MBP.
Click The Service Items window appears.
Select the item you wish to configure IHC settings for, and then click The Edit IHC Item Details window appears.
Indicate the Service Type, Theatre Band, and Procedure Type for this service item as required.
Click OK. to confirm the changes.
Perform Steps 4-6 for each service item in the Service Item List.
Click to exit the Service Items window.