Ctrl + S (via Letter Writer)
Edit > Auto Text (via Letter Writer)
Auto Text functionality allows you to quickly insert bodies of text into a letter using a single keyword or phrase. For example, instead of having to repeatedly type your entire salutation every time you create a new letter, you can program Letter Writer to insert it automatically upon typing a single keyword or phrase, such as 'mysalutation'.
There is no limit to the number of Auto Text entries, or the length of each entry that can be stored in Letter Writer, and you can share the Auto Text entries you create with other users.
Managing Auto Text
From within Letter Writer, either;
Select Edit > Auto Text
Press Ctrl+T
Auto Text
window appears.
From here you can;
Add a new Auto Text entry (see below for detailed information)
Change an existing Auto Text entry (see below for detailed information)
Delete an existing Auto Text entry, by selecting
it in the Shortcut window and clicking
Insert an existing Auto Text entry, by selecting
it in the Shortcut window and clicking
The following example shows how you can also insert Auto Text into your document by typing the keyword shortcut associated with that Auto text entry.
This example uses a keyword shortcut of doc. Upon typing this keyword, Letter Writer would detect that the text you typed may relate to one of the Auto Text entries you have created, and display a pop-up window containing the associated Auto Text. If you wanted to add the Auto Text to your document, you would simply press the Enter key on your keyboard, and the Auto Text would be added to the page automatically, as shown below.
Creating and Editing Auto Text
From within Letter Writer, either;
Select Edit > Auto Text, o
Press Ctrl+T.
Auto Text
window appears
add a new Auto Text entry,
edit an existing Auto Text entry.
Auto Text
(add/edit) window appears.
Type the text you want to appear automatically into your document into the Auto Text box. You can free-type text, or use fields from the list to the right of this window.
Enter a keyboard shortcut for this Auto Text entry into the Shortcut text box. Do not use common words for your shortcut, as these may inadvertently be expanded. For example, if you use SO as a shortcut for Dr Simon Ohlsen this is inserted if the ENTER key is press immediately after this word.
(Optional) Select the Available to all Doctors check box if you wish this entry to be available for use by all practitioners.
your Auto Text entry.