Cervical Screening Tab

Alt + M

The Cervical Screening module is available to female and gender-neutral patients who have reached a pre-defined age (15 years or older by default, but can be adjusted via Clinical Options).

Recorded cervical screening tests for the patient display the date of the test, the result, and whether endocervical cells and/or HPV changes were present.

Items of interest on this window


Displays the date the test was performed.


Displays the result of the test.

EndoCx Cells

Displays whether endocervical cells were present in the test.


Displays whether there were HPV changes present in the test.


Displays any comments recorded for the test.

Last Result Date

Displays the last result date.

Exclude this Patient From Future Cervical Screening Prompts/Recalls

Excludes this patient from future test prompts or recalls.