Inserting Other Content into a Letter

For Images: Insert > Image (via Letter Writer)

For Other Content: Insert > Object (via Letter Writer)

It is possible to insert content other than text, tables and fields into a letter, including images, charts, sounds and other content; theoretically any file recognised by Windows Operating System. In the scope of Letter Writer, these other files are referred to as 'objects'.

It is important to note however, that whilst it may be possible to import any file type (that Windows recognises), Letter Writer may not be able to interpret the file correctly, and subsequently the file may not behave as expected. For example, ClipArt functions correctly but WordArt does not.

Note also that whilst an image is also a type of object (by definition), because these are the most common type of object inserted into letters, provision has been made for importing these by a more convenient method, as explained below.

Once inserted, an object can be manipulated as follows:

Selecting - Click anywhere on the object.

Editing - Double-click to edit. Click the page anywhere outside the object to close.

Moving - Drag the object. The object can be positioned anywhere on the page. To move an object that has been inserted as a character use normal text editing techniques such as Tabs or Indents.

Resizing - Click anywhere on the object. A border and eight sizing handles appears around the object (not applicable to images). To resize a selected object, drag the borders. Dragging a corner adjusts both adjacent sides.

Copying - A selected object can be copied using the same techniques as copying text.

Deleting - A selected object can be deleted using the same techniques as deleting text.

To Insert an Image

Position the insert point in the letter where the object is to be inserted.

Select either;

Insert > Image. This option places the image on the page, at the insert point. Text you add will wrap around the image, or

Insert > Image as Character. This option places the image on the page, at the insert point. The image will move with text you type before it.


The Windows Open File window appears. Browse to and select the image you wish to import.

For convenience it is possible to set the Files of Type drop-down menu to the type of image you are searching for, from a variety of image file types recognised by Letter Writer, including bmp, tif, wmf, png and jpg (or jpeg).


Click to insert the image into your letter.

To Insert an Object

Position the insert point in the letter where the object is to be inserted.

Select either;

Insert > Object. This option places the object on the page, at the insert point. Text you add will wrap around the object., or

Insert > Object as Character. This option places the object on the page, at the insert point. The object will move with text you type before it.


The Insert Object window appears.


Select either;

Create New. This allows you to create a new object of the type selected in the window. Clinical will activate the program associated with that file type (provided you have one installed), allowing you to create a new object with it. Or,

Create from File. This allows you to browse to and select an existing object located on your computer.


Click OK to insert the object into your letter.