Managing Previous Progress Notes

Select the Progress tab in the patient's clinical record.


Select a previous entry from the list at the upper-right of the window. The notes for that particular visit are then displayed in the lower-right of the window.

Click to add additional notes to the selected record. A secondary window appears, populated with the practitioner's name and the current date. Add your additional notes in this window. These notes are then added to the record when Save is clicked.

Whilst it is possible to append to a recorded Progress Note, it is not possible to edit a note recorded before midnight the previous day. In other words, Progress Notes can be edited on the day they are recorded, until midnight of that day, where they become permanent records.



Click to view any diagrams that have been drawn during the previous selected visit. If the Diagrams button is greyed-out it indicates that no diagrams were drawn for the select Progress Note.


Click to find the text entered in the progress notes. The Search Text window appears. Type the text to search for and then click  Progress Note entries that contain the search string are highlighted in red.