Recall Sheet Print Options

Tools > Print Options > Recall Tab

The Recall Sheet tab of Print Options allows you to set the column widths for the printed Recall sheet.


To setup Recall sheet printing:

From the Clinical Front Screen, select Tools > Print Options. The Print Options window appears.

Select the Recall Sheet tab.

Initially, the columns selected in the list are the same as those used in earlier versions of Clinical. If you wish to add new columns to the printed Recall sheet, one or more of the existing column widths will need to be adjusted, or removed, keeping in mind they must fit within the A4 Landscape page width of 270 millimetres.


Select the check boxes for each column you wish to print, and set the column widths as desired.

Click Save to save the settings.

Total Width Used

Indicates the page width used by the selected columns.


Indicates the amount of available page width.