Creating and Editing Letters

(from within Letter Writer)

Ctrl + N

File > New (from within Letter Writer)


Letters are created and edited with the Letter Writer.

Open the Letter Writer by either:

Selecting Tools > Letter Writer from the Clinical front screen,

Pressing F8,

Clicking on the tool bar within the patient's Clinical Window,

Selecting the Letters tab within the patient's Clinical Window, and clicking the Add Item Button button,

Selecting the Letters tab within the patient's Clinical Window, and clicking Add.

Selecting the Correspondence tab within the patient's Clinical Window, clicking Add, and selecting Letter from the menu that appears..


Within Letter Writer, to create a new letter either;

Click on the tool bar, or

Select File > New, or

Press CTRL+N


The New window appears.


Double-click the template you wish to base the new letter on, or create a new template by selecting Blank Template. Alternatively you can search for a template using the box provided.  

See Letter Writer for more information about creating and editing letters.