Creating and Modifying Templates

Ctrl + N (to create)

File > New (to create from within Letter Writer)

File > Modify Template (to modify from within Letter Writer)


To Create a New Template

Requires you have permissions access.

From within Letter Writer, select File > New. The New window appears.


Select Blank Template from the User Defined tab. Click OK to continue.

Select the paper size to be used for the document. Initially the default setting is derived from the printer settings in Windows, but may have been modified via Letter Writer Print Options.

Add content to the template as necessary. This could include;



Images and Objects




Save the template.

To Modify an Existing Template

From within the Letter Writer, select File > Modify Template. The Modify window appears.


Select the template you wish to modify from those provided, and click to confirm your selection.

Make modifications to the template as necessary.

Save the template.