
Alt + K

About HealthLink Forms and HealthLink Messaging

HealthLink Forms

Secure access to and submission of HealthLink forms is available directly from the HealthLink tab in the patient's record. HealthLink form accessibility in Clinical replaces current paper-based form systems, to significantly reduce costs and the time taken to obtain, complete, and submit forms.


HealthLink Messaging

Secure messaging interoperability between MedicalDirector and HealthLink enables practitioners using Clinical to send clinical information to any healthcare provider on the HealthLink network, and any HealthLink subscriber to send information to any Clinical user. Messages between Clinical and HealthLink subscribers are sent securely via MDExchange , and can be viewed/accessed from within Clinical's Investigation Results.

HealthLink messaging requires an active Internet connection.

Before You Begin

In order to use HealthLink functionality in Clinical, you must download and install the HealthLink HMS Client software from the HealthLink web site at Installation and configuration guides are also available from this site. During the installation you will be required to enter your Organisation Name, EDI Account Name and EDI Account Password.

For assistance, please contact HealthLink support on 1800 125 036.

If you have been using HealthLink messaging, and you now wish to also use HealthLink forms, ensure you have upgraded to the latest HMS Client software (previously known as HealthLink 'SIX' Client software).

You may also need to configure HealthLink.

Accessing HealthLink Forms

HealthLink forms are accessed via either;

The HealthLink tab in the patient's record.

This is the primary location for patient-specific HealthLink Forms, as well as being a place from which you can create new forms (or continue incomplete forms). All auto-saved, parked, and submitted forms for the selected patient are displayed here.

See Creating a New Form below for information.

See HealthLink Tab for an overview of this window.


The Letter Writer. The HealthLink tab in the following image is where you can access your form favourites (as well as the aforementioned full list of forms).


Within Letter Writer, select File > New. The New window appears.

Select the HealthLink tab.


Then, either;

Select the HealthLink Homepage entry, and the click OK to access all available HealthLink forms. This opens the HealthLink interface, from which you can access a variety of HealthLink forms. See Creating a New Form (below) for an image of the HealthLink interface.

Select one of your HealthLink Form favourites, and then click OK  The image above indicates that we have created two favourites; 'Australian Hearing Medical Certificate', and 'Certificate of Capacity'. See HealthLink Form Favourites for information on managing a list of favourites.

Filtering the List of Forms

Upon applying a filter to the HealthLink tab, the list of records refreshes to show only those results that match your selection. In the example below, the Type column header is highlighted in dark grey to indicate that a filter has been applied to it. Although the image shows a single column as having been filtered, it is possible to apply a filter to multiple columns simultaneously.

Clear all filters by clicking

To apply a filter, click associated with the column you wish to filter the list by. The filter window for that particular column appears.

Either free-type a filter term into the field provided, or tick one or more items from the list of items to filter by. Click OK to apply the filter. Multiple columns can be filtered simultaneously.

Creating a New Form

You can create a new HealthLink form via either;

The HealthLink tab (to access all forms)

The Letter Writer (to access all forms, and your 'favourites' list)

The following steps are shown from the perspective of the HealthLink tab. See Accessing HealthLink Forms for information about commencing a form via the Letter Writer.

Select the HealthLink tab in the patient's record.

Click  The HealthLink interface appears.

Note that you can press Alt + to toggle between the HealthLink interface and Clinical.


Select from the available forms, by clicking the associated link on the window.


The selected form appears. In the following example, the Certificate of Capacity form is shown.

Where possible, fields on the form will be pre-populated with your patient's data.

Complete all sections of the form by selecting each, in turn, from the menu on the left-hand side of the window. In the example above, the 'Medical History' section is currently selected. Following it is the 'Medications & Management' section, and so forth.

You can move back and forth (up and down) between sections, as you desire.

Each section may have one or more questions/fields that require your response or input. Fields can be clicked on to commence entering/editing content.


As you work on a form, it will be periodically auto-saved.


If you recommence a parked form, it may be auto-saved as you continue to work on it. This is by design.

If, during the editing of this form, you decide to cancel editing it (you decide to 'park' the form again), it will return to its most-recent saved state - a state which isn't necessarily the state it was in prior to you recommencing it.



Click to view a preview of the completed form in your browser.

Click to cease editing, and save a draft of the form, for completing at a later date. Parked forms will be visible in the list of forms on the HealthLink tab of the patient's record. Note that some parked forms are designed to refresh themselves with the patient's latest data when you recommence them.

Click to submit the completed form to HealthLink, electronically. It may take a moment for the form to be processed.

Depending on the type of form, you will received either a real-time acknowledgement message, or a delayed acknowledgement message. In the  case of a delayed (i.e. asynchronous) acknowledgment response, the acknowledgment message is received via the HealthLink messaging system in the Holding File.

Submitted/Saved forms are also available to track (read-only) from the Letters tab, and from the main screen (Tools > HealthLink > Track Forms).

A note about the form is added to the patient's Progress Notes.

Editing a Parked Form

A 'parked' form is essentially a draft - a form you have started, but have put on hold for completing at a later time. To continue working on a parked form, locate and select it from the list of forms on the HealthLink tab, and click  Note that you cannot resume a submitted form.