National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC)

Summaries > National Inpatient Medication Chart


The National Inpatient Medication Chart (NIMC) wizard is accessed via the Summaries menu from within a patient's Clinical Window.



Select Summaries > National Inpatient Medication Chart. The National Inpatient Medication Chart wizard commences.

Indicate here how many allergies you wish to appear on the printed chart. By default, a chart supports up to 5 allergies. If you elect to print more than 5, they will all be printed on a fifth (last) page.

If the patient does not have any allergies recorded, this window will not appear.


Click Next to continue. The Medications screen appears.

Indicate the medications you wish to appear on the printed Medication Chart.

Indicate whether each medication is a regular medication or to be administered as required (P.R.N.), by clicking within the corresponding cell.

Indicate the date on which the Medication Chart becomes active.


Click Finish to continue. The National Inpatient Medication Chart is generated.

Each page of the Medication Chart can be accessed via the navigation buttons at the top of the window.

Each set of a multi-set of charts can be accessed via the associated drop-down list.

The Sex check boxes will not be pre-selected for patients whose sex at birth has been recorded as anything other than 'Male' or 'Female'.


Print the current page or all pages of the Medication Chart by clicking the associated button. Closing this window will return you to the patient's Clinical Window.