Allergies, Adverse Reactions, Warnings


Clinical > Allergies/Warnings (via the Clinical Window)

Select the Allergies/Adverse Reactions/Warnings tab within the Patient Details window.

Click Add  The Add Allergy / Adverse Reaction window appears.


Add the source of the allergy:


Describe the nature of the reaction.

Indicate the Type of reaction.

Indicate the Severity of the reaction.

Click OK to confirm your input. Allergies added will be visible at the top-left of the patient's Clinical Window.

To view a percentage of patients who have not been asked about their allergy/adverse reaction status, see Patient's with Non-Entered Clinical Data. You can also print a list of patients from this search utility.  


Items of Interest on this window

No Known Allergies / Adverse Reactions

By ticking this check box you will remove and delete all currently-recorded known allergies and/or drug reactions for this patient. This happens immediately upon ticking the check box, and is not reversible.

Warnings Section

Add free-text warnings to this section. Warnings added will be visible at the top-left of the patient's Clinical Window.

Drug dependent

Ticking this check box will;

  • Insert an entry into the 'Actions' header of the current Progress Note.

  • Display "Drug Dependent" on the Warning section in the patient's record.

Elite Sportsperson

This provides warnings when prescribing drugs that are banned in sport.

Breast Feeding

The Breast Feeding check box only appears for female patients within the configured age group.

Update Address for All Family Members

Update the address details for other family members, with the details of the current patient. Clinical uses the Head of Family. setting to determine which patients are members of the same family. This option is only available when editing Patient Details from the Clinical Window.

Auto-Capitalise Names

Tick the Auto-Capitalise Names check box to automatically capitalise the first letter of each word you type. There are numerous windows throughout MedicalDirector Clinical that offer this functionality, including the various Options tabs.