MedicalDirector has been working alongside the Department of Health and the Australian Digital Health Agency to fast track the implementation of electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) to help protect people in our community most at-risk from exposure to COVID-19. Electronic prescribing will allow patients to receive prescriptions electronically so that their medications can also be dispensed without the need for a patient to leave the safety of their home.
can indicate whether the patient wants the medication to appear
on their active script list.
When an item is marked as 'Script Owing' on the Enter Dose window, only paper tokens will be permitted (no SMS or email).
When an item is a Schedule 8 (S8) medication, you will be prompted for an approval / authority / warrant / permit number.
When an item is a Schedule 4B (NSW) or Schedule 4D (TAS) medication (e.g. TESTOSTERONE CREAM), altering the number of repeats activates the 'Days between repeats' field on the 'Drug Quantity & Repeats' window. This is existing behaviour for S8 items but was expanded to include the S4B and S4D.
The Prescription Preview window additionally provides the options to SMS or Email an electronic token or print a paper token.
suggested delivery method will be preselected for you. This selection
is determined by information found
in the patient's record, with priority going to SMS followed
by Email and then Printed media.
If the user has specified a Prescriber Type other than 'Medical Practitioner' or 'Nurse', and their state is either ACT or SA, 'Restricted Use For' information appears on prescriptions.
Setting up for Paperless Electronic Prescribing
In order to use Paperless Electronic Prescribing and generate Paperless Prescribing tokens (scanned by your chemist / pharmacist to retrieve the full prescription details), please consider the following:
Your site must be registered for MDExchange.
Your site has acquired and imported the necessary Government-issued certificates in order to retrieve IHI numbers for patients.
Any patient wishing to participate has an IHI number recorded.
Any practitioner wishing to participate has specified the following in their user record:
Recorded their HPI-I number
Recorded their AHPRA number
Enabled ePrescribing (ensure the check box is un-ticked)
Enabled Paperless ePrescribing