Clinical Online Help
Clinical FAQs


Can I save documents to a Patient’s Record via the Scan/Import Correspondence window?
Yes. If you didn’t assign the document to a patient at the time you imported/scanned it, you can do so via the Assign Patient button. Then, click the Store to Patient button to simultaneously save it to the patient’s record, and remove it from the Scan/Import Correspondence window.
Why can’t a user 'action' documents after scanning them?
All correspondence scanned/imported via the Scan/Import Correspondence window flows through to the Holding File, where the assigned practitioner can then check and action it accordingly, before storing it to a patient’s record.
Why does a blank page get printed when I print Correspondence?
Printing of Correspondence (including Investigation Results) is linked to the Preview window. Click Full Preview to print or turn on the preview window.
How do I scan/import a multi-page document?
When scanning: To scan a multi-page document, simply keep the Scan Document window open, and click the Scan button as often as you need to, to continue scanning. When importing: To add multiple files to a single page, instead of clicking the Import button, click the button instead, and then click Import to Single Item from the menu that appears. Then, after selecting multiple files to import (by holding Ctrl as you click each file), the group of files are added to a single record within the patient's Clinical Window.


How do I setup my pathology request forms in MedicalDirector Clinical?
Pathology providers must be added to the Clinical Address Book first, with a category of 'Pathology'. See Creating a New Address Book Entry. Enter all relevant information, including Healthlink EDI if you have it (or you can obtain it from the Pathology Provider). Save the details.
Company Address Book Excerpt
How do I select whether the company uses a pre-printed form or not?
Close all patient records. Access Investigations options. Under the Company drop-down list, select a company (pathology provider) from your Address Book. Tick the 'Use Standard Pre-printed Form' option. This allows Clinical to process a Pathology Request on a pre-printed form from your pathology provider.
What if my pathology provider does not have a pre-printed form?
Access Investigations options. Under the Company drop-down list, select the company (pathology provider) from your Address Book. Remove the tick from the 'Use Standard Pre-printed Form' option. Clinical will produce its own pro-forma with Provider, Patient Demographics, Test, and Clinical Details fields, as required.
What happens when the information is mis-aligned, or printing outside of the area it is supposed to be printing in?
Grab a ruler with millimetre increments marked on it, and measure where the misaligned content is currently printing, starting from the Top and Left of the page. Make a note of these measurements. Then, measure to where it should be printing, from the Top and Left of the page. Adjust your Pathology Request print measurements via Requests Print Options. Save the changes. Do a test print to confirm.
Why does the Holding File show the Practitioner’s name multiple times and/or the Surgery Names.
The Holding File Select Practitioner List is populated with a list of practitioners that have results that need to be ‘actioned’. The names in this list are sourced from the recipient of the result, from the sender of the result, and the name of the practitioner assigned to the correspondence. It is recommended that you contact your result provider to ensure they are displaying your name as you wish it to appear. Once all correspondence has been actioned for that Practitioner/Name, the name will no longer appear on the list.
How do I notify a result with the preview turned off?
Select the result to be actioned and click Full Preview. This opens the result, and the action buttons will be made available.
How do I print a list of items marked as Return Urgently?
  1. From the Clinical front screen select Correspondence > Actioned Items to open the Actioned Items window.
  2. Filter the Date Checked column (select a required date range).
  3. Filter the Notation column to display Return Urgently only.
  4. Highlight the results you wish to print, by using the CTRL or SHIFT key (in standard Windows fashion). Alternatively, you can select all items simultaneously by clicking the Select All link.
  5. Click the Print List button.
Why can I see Results in the Correspondence tab but not in the Results tab?
The results tab has had a filter applied to it. By clicking the Clear Filters button on the Results tab, all results will now be visible. The same applies for the Documents and Letters tabs.
How does a doctor action documents that are in the holding file?
Select Correspondence > Check Holding File. If ‘preview’ is enabled when selecting the result, the action buttons will be available at the bottom of the screen. If ‘preview’ is disabled you will need to click Full Preview or double click to view the result. Once actioned, the next result will be presented for actioning.
How do I remove unwanted items from the Notation filter in the Actioned Items window?
See 'Managing the Notation Filter' for instructions.


Can I cancel an eScript?

Searches and Statistics

How to I mark 'inactive' all the patients we haven't seen in a while?
  1. From the Clinical main window, select Search > Patient.
  2. Within the Patient Search window, locate and tick the Not Seen Since check box, and indicate the 'last seen' date.
  3. Click Search.
  4. It is highly recommended you print this list of patients for reference.
  5. To mark the list of patients as inactive, click the Inactivate Patients button.