eOrders - Overview

About eOrders

eOrders is a system for securely ordering pathology and cytology requests electronically via Clinical. The following laboratories currently support eOrders functionality:

ABT: Abbott Pathology

DOR: Dorevitch Pathology

GPS: Gippsland Pathology

LAV: Laverty Pathology

QML: QML Pathology

TML: Tasmanian Medical Laboratories

WDP: Western Diagnostic Pathology


eOrders provides you with;

A secure mechanism for sending pathology and cytology requests electronically from Clinical.

A closed-loop solution whereby the results returned to you precisely match the requests sent to the laboratory i.e. no more confusion as to which results relate to which requests.

A facility for viewing a list of pending orders and outstanding requests.

Although eOrders requests are sent electronically, you must continue to print and sign a hardcopy version for your patient to sign and take with them when they present at the specimen collection centre.


The eOrders system requires the following:

MedicalDirector Clinical 3.15.3b or later.

An active Internet connection.

The eOrders module can only be accessed by Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners.

The eOrders module is not supported on computers running Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003.


See Investigations Options for information about configuring providers.

Configuring Investigations Options for eOrders

In Investigations Options, you must specify which laboratory you wish to use eOrders for. You can also indicate whether you wish eOrders to be displayed by default, as opposed to accessing it manually.

Select Tools > Options. Select the Investigations tab.

Via the Company drop-down list, select the laboratory you wish to use eOrders for. If you need to create a new entry, click New  See also Investigations Options.

(Optional) Tick the following check box options to indicate that you wish to use this laboratory as the default for your pathology and/or cytology eOrders:

Use as preferred laboratory (for pathology requests).

Use as preferred cervical cytology laboratory.


(Optional) If you wish eOrders to open automatically when you request pathology and/or cytology tests, tick the Default to eOrder service for ordering all pathology/cytology tests check box. eOrders can be accessed manually, regardless.


Click Save to confirm your selections.

Accessing the eOrders Module

The eOrders interface is accessed from within the patient's record in the same way you would access the default, manual pathology/cytology ordering systems. If for any reason the eOrders system is unavailable, you will be notified accordingly, and directed to the standard ordering modules for pathology and cytology tests.

For accessing the eOrder pathology components;


Press Shift + F4

Select Correspondence > Pathology Request



For accessing the eOrder cytology components;


Select Correspondence > Cytology Request


Note that the eOrders interface for accessing cytology requests is the same interface used for accessing pathology requests, and you can order both types of requests simultaneously i.e. clicking the button simply opens the eOrders interface with the cytology components selected, for convenience.



Provided your computer meets all the requirements, the eOrders interface is presented to you. If any of the requirements have not been met, you will be presented with the default manual pathology ordering form (or the default cytology ordering form, as the case may be).

The eOrders interface.

You can toggle between the eOrders system and the default manual system if desired i.e. you are not limited to using eOrders only. Click to jump to the standard pathology/cytology ordering system where you can access order forms for non-eOrders laboratories.

Getting Help

Instructions for using eOrders are available from two locations:

This Help file (accessed by pressing F1 on any eOrders window).

The instructions built into the eOrders interface, accessed by pressing located at bottom-left of the eOrders interface.