Pracsoft Knowledge Base
Easyclaim and Online Claiming Error Codes for Pracsoft


All batched claims will appear in Receipt Bulk Payments.

When receipting-off claims that have been sent to Medicare, you will be notified of the date the claims were sent. If there is no notification message, this indicates the claims have not been sent to Medicare.

Claim numbers can be found in the patient’s record on the Visits tab. No claim number indicates the voucher is not batched.

The status of claims can be found on Step 1 of the online claiming window.

The Bulk Claim Summary Report shows every claim ever batched, and the status of each.


EFT Payment for (Claim Number) total amount expected ($figure) is not equal to deposit ($figure).


Usually due to the claim having been altered in some way after it was sent electronically to Medicare Australia. It is possible that the amounts have been changed.


Contact Medicare Australia for a manual payment report.

Confirm patients and items billed are the same as in claim in MedicalDirector Pracsoft.

Check exception report to ensure exceptions have been resolved correctly.

Is the amount in the claim the same as the payment report?

Manually receipt off the claim.


9201: Could not set the vaccine batch number. Invalid format for data item.


Caused by an invalid ‘Vaccine Batch Number’. Any Vaccine batch number which is blank or contains spaces, hyphens or any other special characters (e.g.: ! @ # $ % ^ and * / \) is invalid and cannot be received by ACIR .


Select Processing > Online Claiming.

Select View > Immunisation Claims.

Right-click on the affected claim and choose Modify Claim.

Find any invalid batch numbers.

Make note of the patients and affected immunisation.

Highlight the affected immunisation and click the Delete button at the bottom of the screen. This will not remove the immunisation from this window, but changes the status to ‘deleted’.

Prepare and send the claim.

Note: In order to send the immunisations affected to ACIR you can delete and re-enter them in the patient file in MD, or you can simply phone ACIR and relay the details.


Claims not showing in the Online Claiming Window.


This is usually caused by the practitioner not being enabled to use online claiming, or they are inactive.


Select Admin > Practitioners.

Highlight the Practitioner for which claims are not showing, and click the Edit button.

Ensure the Practitioner is ticked to use online claiming and active. If inactive, activate them.

Undo batch – edit voucher and re-batch.


Importing immunisations error message Practitioner is not setup in MedicalDirector Pracsoft.


Practitioner is not setup in Pracsoft or provider no in MedicalDirector Clinical is different.


Check provider number, if it does not have a 0 in front of it in the error screen.

Select MD User > Set Up Users.

Select Dr > Edit.

Prefix the Provider Number with a zero (0).


Token required for claim authorisation when preparing/transmitting claims.


Practitioner may be using a token/individual signing key. If not, please see resolution.


If the practitioner is using a token, insert the token and enter their passphrase.

If the practitioner does not have token, select Admin > Drs, and remove the tick from individual signing.


OPV check functionality not available.


No internet access or have just set up online claiming, or no access to the hic.psi store.


Open your Internet browser, close and re-open Pracsoft.

Check for errors.

Re-browse to the PKI store.


Claims are not showing in the transmit window.


The claims have errors and have failed preparation.


Select Processing > Online Claiming and proceed through the preparation of claims as per the instructions above.

Read all that is in the preparation window, making a note of any error numbers and the text before and after, and calling MedicalDirector Customer Service .

Tyro Error Codes



Possible Resolutions



Check your bank account details. The Merchant ID is either:

Greater than 6 characters.

Entered incorrectly.



Missing or invalid parameters.

Receipt as EFTPOS manual, not EFTPOS auto.

Try a restart of Pracsoft and the Tyro terminal.

Check your Tyro terminal screen – it may not be finalised, which puts a block on the machine as it is in use. Hold the Corr (yellow button) down for a few seconds to reboot the terminal.


EFTPOS auto payment could not be processed.

You will not receive an option to swipe the card, and nothing will be displayed on the Tyro terminal. Contact Tyro on 1300 966 639.


An error occurred while processing the EFTPOS / Medicare Easyclaim request.

Before attempting any resolution, confirm whether the issue exists on one workstation or all.

Go to the server computer

Open MedicalDirector Pracsoft

Select Setup > EFTPOS /Medicare Easyclaim > Terminal Configuration

If no error appears, follow Resolution 1

If an error appears, follow Resolution 2


Resolution 1

If the error appears on workstations only, first check that there is network connectivity, and try a restart of the workstations.

Open HCN Maintenance > Configurations > Live Data and ensure it is looking at the correct instance name (SERVERNAME\ESP).

Open Start > Run > Cliconfg and add aliases to the ESP Instance.

Open Regedit HKLM\Software\Health Communication Network\Configuration\01 ensure ESP server is looking at the correct instance. "server name"\ESP


Resolution 2

Workstation Specific: Add an alias.

Select Start > Run.

Type cliconfg, select OK.

Ensure TCP/IP is enabled and named pipes.

Ensure shared memory protocol is ticked.

Select the alias tab. If there are already aliases there, ensure the server name is correct. If there are no aliases, add one for hcnsql07 and one for ESP.


All System: Try a restart of the server. Failing that, follow steps below:

If occurring on all systems including the server, check to see if the ESP instance is running (Services SQL Server ESP).

If instance is stopped, start the instance.

Restart Pracsoft.


Business rule failed. Check internal section.

Check the practitioner’s Provider Number is correct

Check that the Payee Provider Number is correct.

If referral, check the referring practitioner’s details.

If you are unsure which provider is causing the error, examine the eftpos.log file. This can be found under MedicalDirector Maintenance - logs. This will give the provider number that is causing the error.


Transaction Declined.

Contact Tyro on 1300 966 639.


Server adapter error.

Restart the system, including the Tyro terminal (unplug the power connection and re plug it back in).


An error has been raised in the client adapter while retrieving the report.

Check with Medicare that the minor id number (HSS) is registered.

Check the name of the store file. It must be hic.psi - any other name will generate this error.

Check the store location. It must have hic.psi on the end of the store location. For example, \\server\PKI may generate the error, but locating and double-clicking on the psi file will change the location to \\server\PKI\hic.psi, and stop the error message.

Check version of Java running (should be 6 update 13).

Online Claiming Error Codes



Possible Resolutions


Unable to load /connect to Java Virtual Machine.

Check java version, must be 1.3.

Is this a Terminal Server site? If so, check that the Terminal Server session is using the same Java version as the workstations.

Check environment variables.

Make sure if using Terminal Server, you have followed the online claiming setup document for Terminal Server environments (PS3-45 Medicare Australia Online - TS Installation and User Guide for Pracsoft)


Medicare Australia Online Claiming is not operational.

Ensure that Medicare Australia Online is installed.

Ensure that the correct version of Java is installed (version should be no higher than that supplied with MedicalDirector Pracsoft).

If all appears OK, remove Medicare Australia Online, and then:

Rename the HIC folder (c:\program files\hic).

Run repair with latest CD/DVDto what they have installed.


 A session could not be established.

Try restart of Pracsoft, or restart computer.

Uninstall Medicare Australia Online via Add/Remove Programs.

Browse to C:\program files\ and delete the hic folder.

Run the MedicalDirector CD/DVD to perform repair role.


PKI login failure.

Indicates a problem with the PKI login - either the store location or store password is incorrect.

Check store location is correct in workstation settings.

Retype the store password*.

*If you do not know the store password, rename the existing store and reinstall the certificate.


Transmission failure.

Try to resend.


Medicare Australia Online Claiming already operational.

 Check network connectivity.

Restart MedicalDirector Pracsoft. Failing that, restart the computer.


Medicare Australia Online Claiming session already exists.

Check network connectivity.

Restart MedicalDirector Pracsoft. Failing that, restart the computer.


Unable to find Java Virtual machine library.

Check the Java version, and if higher than the version supplied with Pracsoft, remove the higher version. This then may generate another error, as the environment variables may have changed with the installation of the later versions of Java. If this occurs, proceed to Step2.

Remove all Java and run a repair with the version of MedicalDirector Pracsoft you have installed.


The CLASSPATH environment variable cannot be found.

Check environment variables are correct, mainly the lib directory.


Unable to locate the EasyclaimAPI class.

 Check the Java version, and if higher than the version supplied with MedicalDirector Pracsoft, remove the higher version. This then may generate another error, as the environment variables may have changed with the installation of the later versions of Java. If this occurs, proceed to Step2.

Remove all Java and run a repair with the version of MedicalDirector Pracsoft you have installed.

Remove Medicare Australia Online via Add/Remove Programs, rename the HIC folder and run a repair of the Pracsoft version installed.


Create Cryptostore failure.

Rename and reinstall certificate.


Config parameter cannot be set as Medicare Australia Online Claiming already operational.

Restart Pracsoft.


XML to JAVA classes conversion failure.

Check patient file for an odd character that shouldn’t be there.

Check item number for odd character.


Client Adaptor session does not exist.

Client adapter has not started. Restart the computer.


Desecure failure.

Check workstation settings that store location is correct.

Retype the store password, save, close MedicalDirector Pracsoft and reopen.

If this error is happening on all workstations, it may be a corrupt certificate. Rename correct certificate and recreate.

As last resort:

Remove Medicare Australia Online.

Rename the C:\program files\hic folder.

Run repair with MedicalDirector CD/DVD.


Secure failure.

Are you using proxy server? See Microsoft ISA Proxy Setup Guide for Medicare Australia Online

Have you just updated a certificate? Ensure you didn't use the update button and import CRLs. To check this:

Open the PKI Certificate Manager.

Click the down arrow besides View > Certificates.

Is CRLs greyed out or highlighted? If highlighted, then select it, and remove the entries. If greyed out, rename the certificate and reinstall it.


Unexpected protocol exception.

Check permissions, sharing and security (everyone will full permissions).

You may need to apply full permissions to the actual hic.psi file, but only as a last resort.

If a certificate update has been performed, and the old certificates are still in place, remove them.


HTTP server error.

Check that Pracsoft’s Global Settings are correct, web mail and email address is correct:

Medicare path has no ‘.’ between the www and the 2


Protocol error.

Check that Pracsoft’s Global Settings are correct:

Medicare path has no ‘.’ between the www and the 2

Server ends with /pext

The system could be running low on resources - restart MedicalDirector Pracsoft.

Ensure not too many people on the Internet.


Error occurred attempting to load logic pack.

Restart Computer.


The added content was created with a LogicPack with a different major and minor version therefore it cannot be loaded.

Rename and recreate the certificate(s).

Remove Medicare Australia Online, repair with the CD/DVD for the version of MedicalDirector Pracsoft installed.


No logic packs have been loaded.

Remove Medicare Australia Online.

Rename the hic folder.

Repair with the CD/DVD for the version of Pracsoft installed.


Intermittent problem signing using the HCI token. Repeating the function call should be successful.

If using location certificate, rename and reinstall.

If using an individual key, the password could be incorrect.


An undefined error has been detected in C DLL.

Remove Medicare Australia Online.

Rename the hic folder.

Repair with the CD/DVD for the version of Pracsoft installed.


An undefined error has been detected in Java API.

Check if the environment variable for the bin folder is correct (C:\Program Files\HIC\PS\HICOnline\bin).

Ensure the psijni.dll file is not missing from the bin folder on the computer you are transmitting from.

Check if you have full administrative access to the PKI folder and the hic.psi file.

Failing this, run the find hicalone file in the PKI folder and send the log files to Medicare for advice.


The element name supplied is not valid or does not apply to the current function.

This is usually associated with error 2051.

Try restarting the computer first.

Remove Medicare Australia Online, rename the hic folder, and repair with the CD/DVD for the version of MedicalDirector Pracsoft installed.

Remove share from PKI folder, apply, and then re-share the folder.


The information being set is inconsistent with the information currently set for this claim.

Check referrals, referral dates.

Check if the item number is a referral-required item.

Practitioner may not be able to claim that item number.


Transmission in progress. The requested action cannot be done until the current transmission is sent or cancelled.

May be an Internet connection delay. Wait a few minutes and try again.

Restart Pracsoft.

Restart computer.


The current claim has already been processed (submitted or accepted). Get details then clear the claim.

Check the status of the claim with Medicare. It is likely to have already been received and processing started.

Private patient account? You need the patient’s Medicare number, name, item number, date of visit.

Bulk bill? You need the Transaction ID.


No voucher exists within the session for the supplied VoucherSeqNum.

Check number of vouchers in the batch, compared to number of vouchers set in Global Settings.

Undo batch (resubmit all). Re-batch.


The Payee Provider specified is the same as the Servicing Provider.

Check the provider number in Practitioner Details. Ensure that the letter in the provider number is in upper case.

Is this a locum? If so are they set to locum for themselves?

Is this a referral? Check referral details.


Invalid directory or directory not found.

Error is common when setting up new server with different name, or network connection issue.

Check hic.psi file is in the correct store location as designated in Pracsoft’s Workstation Settings.

Check store location, browse to location. Reset this.

Check network connectivity.

Check PKI folder is shared out correctly, with full access for everyone.


The report is not available yet or is no longer available for retrieval.

The report has not been returned from Medicare yet. Try again in another day.

Report no longer available for retrieval - can only re request reports up to 6 months. Beyond that you must request a manual report.


A voucher with the quoted sequence number already exists in the claim/session.

 Try one of the following workarounds:

Remove the first patient in the list of errors, batch then send.

Resubmit the batch, re-batched, batch then sent successfully.

As a last resort, send the claim manually.


The maximum number of child business objects for the parent business object type has been reached

Also see error 2037

If an immunisation claim:

An immunisation Claim supports up to 5 services per patient, 20 patients per claim. Anything more generates error 2025.

If a Medicare claim:

Undo the batch.

Go into the batching window, and note how many vouchers are in the batch (is likely to be 99).

Go into Pracsoft’s Global Settings > Bulk Bill and ensure the maximum vouchers is set to 80.


The data element being set is inconsistent with other data elements already set OR a data element has been set and a related conditionally required data element has not been set.

Could get error 2030 on server and 1005 on workstations.

Duplication of data set for a voucher and associated information e.g.:

Same comment also appears in the explanation as to the service text.

Same practitioner provider number as what is record as the Facility ID.


An error was detected with the voucher sequencing. The sequence numbers must begin with 01 and increment by one as each voucher is added.

Also see error 2025

If an immunisation claim:

An immunisation Claim supports up to 5 services per patient, 20 patients per claim. Anything greater generates error 2025.

If a Medicare claim:

Undo the batch.

Go into the batching window, and note how many vouchers are in the batch (is likely to be 99).

Go into Pracsoft’s Global Settings > Bulk Bill and ensure the maximum vouchers is set to 80.


The referral/request type is inconsistent with the service type set for this claim.

Check referral and item number.

Some item numbers require specific information, or practitioner to have certain qualifications to be able to bill it.

Check practitioner’s referring provider number.


The position of the business object in the hierarchy of business object types is invalid.

Usually associated with 2004

Can happen when performing copy check or transmitting claims.

Check that the installed Java version is no greater than that supplied with Pracsoft.

Try removing higher Java versions. If the error persists, remove all Java installations and repair with the CD/DVD for the version of MedicalDirector Pracsoft installed.


Communication error. Check that you have a current internet session. For further assistance contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.

Check for working Internet access.

Try restarting the computer.

Check if Medicare is having issues.

Check that Internet sharing is not being blocked.

Check if using a proxy server. If so, see Microsoft ISA Proxy Setup Guide for Medicare Australia Online


The response from the central site was not received within the permitted response time.

 Usually associated with a 3005

Internet connection timeout.


Proxy server.

Firewall / AV blocking.


The Medicare Australia server is not operational. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.

Contact Medicare.


The request cannot be dealt with at this time because real-time processing is not available or the system is down. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Usually relates to Medicare being closed.


The message format received by the Client Adaptor was not valid (PKI).

Usually associated with a 3002

Internet connection timeout.


Proxy server.

Firewall / AV blocking.


The message could not be decrypted. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

 Usually indicates incorrect location certificate being used to encrypt data. Rename and recreate hic.psi file.

Could also indicate problem with Medicare’s server.


The Client Adaptor could not decrypt the return message. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

 Using the incorrect client adapter:

Remove Medicare Australia Online.

Rename the hic folder.

Repair with the CD/DVD for the version of Pracsoft installed.

Run findhicalone (in PKI folder) send log files to Medicare.


The sending Location could not be identified at the Client Adaptor.

Likely you have just updated your location certificate, but it has not been activated at Medicare’s end.

Try running an OPV Check first.

Failing that, contact Medicare Australia’s eBusiness Service Centre to get it activated.


The Medicare Australia signing certificate could not be found in the PSI store OR the passphrase used did not match the Individual certificate. If problem persists contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.

Ensure you are using the latest Certificate Manager. If not, download it, and initialise defaults.

Ensure you have initialised defaults that the location in title bar of PKI certificate manager is same as the location in workstation settings.

Check Pracsoft’s Global Settings:

Medicare server =

email address =


The message received at the Client Adaptor was not signed. Messages should be signed by the sending Location.

Possible individual key used.

If location certificate, rename and reinstall.


The signing Location is unknown. For further assistance contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.

The Minor ID number on site may not be the one registered with Medicare. Contact Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.


The supplied location ID does not match the HCL For further assistance contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre. [No longer used]

Check RA # (Certificate Manager) and HSS number with what Medicare has registered.


The transmission date is not the current date. Check the system date set in the transmitting computer.

Check for an incorrect date on the server and each workstation, via Regional Settings.


The sending Location could not be identified at the Server. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Check RA number and HSS (Minor ID) number with Medicare is registered correctly for this site.

Also check that practitioner Provider Numbers are registered correctly against the Minor ID number.


HTTP redirection attempted

Check for an active Internet connection.

Check that the Medicare web site is not being blocked by your system or ISP.


HTTP client error

Usually related to the site having a proxy server, see Microsoft ISA Proxy Setup Guide for Medicare Australia Online

Ensure you have an active Internet connection.

Ensure Pracsoft’s Global Settings are correct for the Medicare server.


The server cannot fulfil this request

Ensure you have an active Internet connection.

Can you connect to

Are there any problems at the Medicare end?


Bad Gateway encountered

Check the web address in Pracsoft’s Global Settings.


The sending Location's details failed validation against the Registration File. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Check that the RA number and HSS number registered with Medicare are correct.


The sending Individual's details failed validation against the Registration File. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Individual signing has been selected.

If it is not required, disable it.

If it is required, check for a solution as per error code 3036.


An error occurred during transmission to Medicare Australia. It is unknown whether the claim was processed. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre.

Contact Medicare with the claim number, transaction id and patient information (depending on type of claim - Private or Bulk Bill).


The quoted Individual Certificate RA number is registered to another individual.

 Individual key used by a practitioner who is not registered for it.


The subscription ID supplied has been identified as in-active Inactive provider number?

Check with Medicare.


Patient is currently ineligible for Medicare. This status can be confirmed for today only.

Check the patient’s Medicare number with Medicare. You may also need the item number being billed.


The individual has been matched using the submitted data however differences were identified. Please check the information returned and update your records.

Conduct an OPV check on the patient. If the error persists, check the patient’s Medicare number with Medicare.


The Location is not authorised to undertake Online Claiming transactions. The transmission has been rejected. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Check with Medicare that the HSS Number and Provider Number are registered.


The individual signing the claim or making the request is not authorised to undertake Online Claiming transactions. The claim has been rejected. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

 The individual key Provider Number Is not registered.


The provider is identified as inactive for Online Claiming purposes. Contact the PKI Customer Service Centre for assistance.

Check the provider number with Medicare. You may need to complete a registration on the HeSA website. Contact PKI customer service 1300 660 0355 or E-Business 1800 700 199 for assistance.



The signature (HCI) is not that of the Servicing Provider.

Check that the correct iKey is connected.

iKey may not be registered with Medicare. Contact HeSA 1300 660 035


The Location is not authorised to undertake the function on the date of transmission. The transmission has been rejected. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

Are you eligible to transmit this item number?


Claims from this provider must be signed using their Individual Certificate.

Have the practitioner sign using their iKey.


This transaction type is not permitted from this type of client.

Check what you are transmitting – the practitioner may not be eligible.


The software product used to create the transaction is not certified for this function. Contact the Medicare Australia eBusiness Service Centre for further assistance.

This suggests Pracsoft is not eligible to transmit to Medicare. Contact MedicalDirector Customer Service.


Billing Agent is not recognised as belonging to the transmitting Location.

Problem with transmission. Contact Medicare.


The Location Certificate (HCL) has expired. Contact the Registration Authority.

Check the PKI Certificate Manager for an expired certificate. You should have received a new certificate. If the certificate has expired and you have not received a new one, contact Medicare.

Look for CRL's (using drop down menu to the left of setup button in the Certificate Manager). If any exist, remove them.


The token relating to the individual certificate could not be found.

Individual signing ticked.


Invalid certificate type. The certificate type is either location or individual.

Suggests you tried to update Medicare Australia certificates, but instead of store - initialise defaults they have selected update. By doing this they have corrupted the PKI store.

Ensure you have the latest version of the PKI Certificate Manager.

Within the Certificate Manager, check the ‘other people’ tab for expired Medicare Australia certificates.


If createCryptoStore - a PSI Store already exists in the nominated folder. Otherwise a problem has been encountered using PKI services. Repeating the function call should be successful.

 Duplicate Certificates (could be on any computer - ignore the certificate in the Clinical folder).

Permissions on the PKI folder need ‘Everyone’ group with full access. If the site has high security, you may need to add each individual user will full permissions.

This can also occur if you have updated your version of Java, but chose not to restart the computer when prompted.

A location certificate is already installed, and when installing an individual certificate you selected to create a new store, instead of selecting to use an existing store.

Locked files - may need to go into computer management to unlock the hic.psi file on server, or restart the server.


Location signing Certificate not found in the PSI Store.

Not pointing to correct hic.psi in MedicalDirector Pracsoft’s Workstation Settings.

Incorrectly installed hic.psi. Remove and reinstall.


The provider is identified as inactive for Online Claiming purposes. Contact the PKI Customer Service Centre for assistance.

Provider not registered, refer to Medicare or eBusiness 1800 700 199


The Individual Certificate used has been revoked by the Registration Authority. Contact PKI Customer Service Centre for assistance.

Refer to eBusiness 1800 700 199


Desecure failure at Medicare Australia. Contact the PKI Customer Service Centre for assistance

Certificates may have expired.

Check Pracsoft’s Global Settings - should be

Individual certificate - may be corrupt, remove and reinstall (will have to be removed via PKI Certificate Manager).

Check the individual certificate within the Certificate Manager, if there is a red cross beside an individual certificate, the root certificate is missing and can be obtained from (select secure net root ca certificate).

May have done certificate update using initialise defaults. Update certificate manager, check for CRL's.


The HCL Certificate used to sign the transmission is not the Certificate currently registered against the Location Id

May have updated to a new certificate, but the new certificate is not activated with Medicare yet. Check with Medicare.


MultipleProcedureOverrideInd is an invalid value

Check service text on voucher.


Invalid value for data item. The data element does not comply with the values permitted or has failed a check digit check.

See also 9204.

Check Medicare number, remove and re-enter if required, with no spaces.

Check patient address for PO Box instead of physical address.

Check suburb field doesn't have a postcode in it.

Check item number - could be non-standard Medicare item number.

Check practitioner’s provider number is correct and is 8 characters.

If occurs during transmission stage, check regional settings. Try changing time zone to some other zone, then back again to correct zone.


When this error occurs, you will usually get more information, such as:

Could not set Servicing Provider Number: This suggests the practitioner’s Provider Number is incorrect. You must contact eBusiness on 1800 700 199 to verify the Provider Number.

Could not set clinical code RSN code in online Voucher: This is usually related to DVA vouchers - a ‘clinical reason’ is required. Note: If you have just switched over to online claiming, delete vouchers and re enter. Medclaims misses information fields that are required for online claiming. Only solution is to delete and re record visit.

Could not set Patient MC Reference Num in Medicare Australia Online Voucher: Perform an OPV check.

Could not set the vaccine batch number: HIC Online > View > Immunisation Claims > Find any claims that have hyphens, spaces or other symbols in the batch number. These need to be deleted.

Could not set the Item Number to ‘X’: ‘X’ is not a valid Medicare Item number. Edit the voucher and use only valid Medicare Item Numbers.

Could not set veterans file number in voucher: The Veterans Affairs number is incorrect. Correct it and the claim should prepare.

Could not set patient address, Locality: Check that the suburb is valid. Try deleting and re-entering.

Invalid value for data item: Check the ‘Provider Number’ for the ‘Institution’ (Hospital/Nursing Home) in the Referring Practitioners/Address Book


Date of service must be no more than six (6) months in the past

This message should only now occur for pre-3.94 versions. The limit is now 2 years.


Date in future. The date supplied must not be in the future

You may have at some stage received an error regarding ‘Date in the future’ on resubmitting vouchers. You should have then been prompted with a 9202 error on transmission. The 9202 error does not relate to patient details not being complete or voucher details not being valid in this case.


Workaround 1:

Close Pracsoft Waiting Room.

Change the computer’s regional time setting to another zone, apply the change, then reselect and apply the correct time zone

Ensure that AM and PM are not the wrong way around.

If in Regional Settings you have English (Australian) and English (American), remove English (American).

Check these settings on every computer.


Workaround 2:

Batch other outstanding vouchers.

Undo the problem claim.

Re-batch the claim.


Requested data item is empty.

Check Pracsoft’s Global Settings for incorrect Medicare Australia server.

Workstation pointing to incorrect location for store?

Check that only one copy of psi file on the network.

Have created store, but not imported the certificates?

Check size of hic.psi file - usually about 18kb.


Patient/Claimant locality must be supplied or all claimant address elements removed

Check patient address details - may have suburb and state in the suburb field.


Patient/Claimant postcode must be supplied or all claimant address elements removed.

Check patient record for address details - may be new suburb which is not currently in the database. If so, email MedicalDirector Customer Service and log an enhancement request to have the postcode and suburb tables updated. Ensure you give name of missing suburb and postcode.


The Referring/Requesting Provider cannot be the Servicing or Principal Provider.

Check if patient has seen another practitioner recently for this particular item number, remembering some item numbers can only be billed once in a certain time period.

Check the referral details.

Check is LSPN used, and check if setup correctly.


At least one service in the voucher must have a non zero charge amount.

Check item numbers on voucher for a $0.


More information required. Either text must be keyed against a service or a time supplied for the voucher.

Check for multiple item numbers on one voucher -need to have service text if billed same day or within a short time frame.

Check vouchers for txt against one item number but not all item numbers, this includes incentive items.

Check for procedural item numbers.


Vaccine code missing or invalid

Option 1:

Open the online claiming window.

Select View > Immunisation Claims.

Right-click the claim and select ‘modify’.

Locate the voucher with the invalid batch number.

Remove the immunisation record (delete).

Re-prepare the batch.


Option 2:

Release the claim. Then when you next enter online claiming, you should be prompted to import again.


Option 3:

For immunisation records, this will either have to be manually submitted to ACIR , or it can be deleted from the patient file in clinical package and re-entered.


Encounter already contains equivalent antigen(s)

Open the online claiming window.

Select View > Immunisation Claims.

Right-click the claim and select ‘modify’.

Locate the duplicate immunisation.

Remove the immunisation record (delete).

Re-prepare the batch.


The claim needs to be referred to a Medicare Customer Services Officer for further assessment. The claim will be processed and payment notification will be sent in the near future.

Claim successfully transmitted and pending further assessment by a Customer Support Officer. Claimant will be advised of outcome by mail.


A subsequent consultation has been keyed and the date of service is after the referral expiry date.

Get patient’s Medicare card number, item number and date of service. Contact Medicare.

Workaround: store claim then transmit from send store and forward option.


Check Servicing Provider. May not be able to provide the service for this item at date of service

Provider may not have been registered at the time of service.

Conducting an OPV? Provider number for the practitioner may be incorrect.

Provider may not be eligible to bill the item number.


Check Payee Provider.

Locum? Check Payee Provider.


Claimant details required. Patient or quoted claimant is a minor.

Check payer for patient - cannot be ‘self’ if patient is under the age of 12.


A restrictive condition exists.

Two item numbers that cannot be charged together e.g.

Immunisation that cannot be charged with another immunisation.

Tumour removal and biopsy on the same account.

If unsure, contact Medicare for advice.


The claim identified for deletion has a status other than Paid Same Day.

Attempting to conduct a same-day delete, but the account has already been paid.


The claim could not be located by Medicare Australia.

Attempting to conduct a same-day delete, but Medicare was already contacted and deleted it. Contact Medicare for advice.


The patient data supplied failed validation checks against Medicare data.

Attempt an OPV check. Failing that, contact Medicare.

General Errors




Preparing Claims.


*****END OF CLAIM (): Claim not processed - provider has not been confirmed as added to location certificate.

Preparation / Authorisation of claims(s) completed. Check messages above to determine whether to proceed to transmit stage.

Check practitioner’s details to ensure they have ticked the check box ‘added to location certificate’.

Pairing up Tyro machine with Pracsoft.

Easyclaim Terminal Connection was unsuccessful, please try again or contact support for help.

Try again with different timing between hitting connect and entering password on tyro machine.

Could add an alias (NOT TO BE DONE ON SERVER), but this should only be done as last resort. The alias will be for the ESP instance, if you add one for ESP, you need to add one for HCNSQL07 as well.

Patient files.

Transmitted a claim from a private account to Medicare, but received an error during the process (unspecified error - can vary). When examining the patient’s record, the account / visit is not recorded.

Re-record the visit. Instead of selecting payment type as EFTPOS auto, select EFTPOS Manual.


Resolve exceptions.

Voucher returned with a reason code of 621 - previously been paid, but no visit recorded in patient file.

Resubmit the voucher, but retain the claim for later lodgement. Batch the voucher into a claim, manually receipt off.

Benefit not Payable.

Private patient being receipted and patient has a payer. This error may occur when doing the refund.

This error can occur under the following circumstances:

Patient A and Patient B are on the same Medicare card.

Patient A is the payer for Patient B.

Medicare issues the patients with new Medicare cards.

Patient B comes in for a visit, and whilst there an OPV check is undertaken.

The Medicare system detects that Patient B’s Medicare data in MedicalDirector Pracsoft needs to be updated (to reflect the new Medicare card), and the update is done automatically.

Now in Pracsoft, Patient B has a new Medicare number, but Patient A (the payer) still has their old number. Therefore this error occurs when trying to obtain a refund for Patient B’s private account.

Resolve this by conducting a manual OPV check on Patient A – the system should update their record accordingly.

Private billing.

Refund window doesn't show.

Check the practitioner’s details, and ensure that ‘patient claims’ is ticked.

Check that Online Claiming is setup correctly - no errors should appear when opening Pracsoft.

Record visit button says voucher not claim.

When recording visit and have Easyclaim enabled, the button should read ‘Claim’.

Check that the location in Pracsoft’s Workstation Settings is correct.

Do you actually have a location certificate?

Requesting reports.

Processing report not yet processed by Medicare.

Check payee provider has not been changed since the claims sent to Medicare.

Check how long since claim been sent, report may not be available as yet:

Easyclaim - need to wait until after 5pm day after sent.

Online claiming - can take a few days for reports to be available, even though payment in bank.

DVA - have been known to take weeks to have reports available, depending on backlog.

Transmitting claims.

No Prepared bulkclaims.

Return to step 2 of the Online Claiming process - the claim will have failed preparation. Read the processing information line for line to obtain a reason for the failure.

Send Store and Forward.

Sending store and forward claims. Claim window just disappears with no confirmation of transmission or failing to send.

Try sending again, but don’t select the first patient. If same thing happens, get a list of patients and Medicare card numbers, contact Medicare and they can tell you which patient is the problem. Will likely be a specific patient, and that patient may have already been transmitted - just delete the problem patient from list of Store and Forward.

OPV check.

OPV check message.

Current Medicare card has expired. Patient to contact Medicare, as claims using this Medicare card may be rejected.

Preparing claims.

Service must have been referred, requested or self deemed or an override set.

Check referral.

Check if LSPN is setup correctly.

Resolving exceptions.

AddVoucher function has failed with insertservice no.1 within visit no. 1.

Accept adjustment and re-bill the patient.

Recorded Bulk Bill / DVA voucher with item number of 11 or more characters. Adjust item number to fix.

Saving Dr details.

This provider has been enrolled for Medicare Australia Online Claiming, however they have not been confirmed as being added to the Location Certificate for the surgery or received their iKey for individual signing.

You will not be able to prepare Online claims for this provider until they are added to the Location Certificate.

Do you wish to continue saving the Practitioner details?

Check the practitioner’s details, ensuring that ‘added to location certificate’ is ticked.