Cervical Screening Result Searches

In the case of No Recorded Cervical Screening, the search facility searches for female patients who have reached a pre-defined age (by default this is normally set to patients 13 years or older but can be adjusted via Clinical Options).

Search > Cervical Screening Results


To search the Cervical Screening database:

From the Clinical Front Screen, select Search > Cervical Screen Results. The Cervical Screening Result Search window appears.


Enter the search criteria.

Click  The Cervical Screen Results Search window is displayed with the search results.

Opens the Clinical Window of a selected patient.

Records a Recall notification for each patient in the search results. See Adding, Editing, and Deleting Recalls for instructions on how to generate recalls.

Saves a database file of the search results.


Prints a copy of the search results.

Prints a set of labels for patients in the search results.

Prints a letter for each patient in the search results.