Preferences (Letter Writer)

There are numerous features of Letter Writer that you can customise, and set as defaults. These Letter Writer Preferences are available via File > Preferences. An explanation of features of interest within each Preference tab follows.

General tab

Defaults tab

Field tab

Advanced tab

General Tab

Automatically Insert Auto Text

Upon typing a valid Auto Text keyword this automatically inserts the associated Auto Text phrase without prompting you.

Prompt to Save Letters Before Printing

Ensures that a helpful reminder message appears, prompting you to save the letter before you print it. Regardless of whether you enable this checkbox or not, you will be prompted to save the letter upon attempting to close Letter Writer or create a new letter.

Defaults Tab

Display Data Toolbar

Enabled, this displays the Data Toolbar automatically upon opening Letter Writer or starting a new letter or template.

Display Ruler

Shows/hides the ruler, which can be used for modifying Indents, Margins, Tables and Tabs.

Display Grid Lines

Sets the default for whether table grid lines are displayed. You can override the default setting during a session within Letter Writer, via Table > Grid Lines.

Display New File Window

Calls the New window automatically upon opening Letter Writer.

Field Tab

Either select a field and click this button or simply double-click a field to set its default properties.

Display Field Properties on Insertion

When enabled, you will be prompted to modify field properties upon insert a field or data to a letter. When disabled, the prompt does not appear, and the default properties are used instead.

Advanced Tab

Settings for use of MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface), a proprietary e-mail protocol Letter Writer users to communicate with your e-mail client for the importing and exporting of e-mail. It is recommended you consult your Systems Administrator for guidance with selecting the correct client for your practice.

Extended MAPI

Is included with Microsoft Windows as part of Outlook Express (now discontinued). Was available from Windows 98 to Windows Server 2003, and was available for Windows 3.x, Windows NT 3.51, Windows 95.

Simple MAPI

Is included with Office Outlook and Exchange.


When selecting this option, you'll have the opportunity to record your SMTP settings via the button.

It is recommended that each user have separate email addresses supplied by his/her Internet Service Provider (ISP) for clinical correspondence. Users will require knowledge of SMTP accounts and mail server details. Please obtain this information from your ISP and/or Network Administrator.

Note the All Users check box for indicating that you want the authentication to be used practice-wide. With this box un-ticked, authentication is per-user.